Chapter 5

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Warnings for chapter: Swearing, 

Word count for chapter: 1,041 (not counting the rules)

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.

The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.

The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.

The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or below will be shunned from society and will either be sent to prison for treason against the laws or have to pay a fine depending on status.

The average or below will not be allowed jobs in certain fields. I.e anything involving entertainment, politics, sales representatives, teachers, writers, nurses, or being a doctor.

The average or below are only permitted to have two kids to prevent the population from being overrun by the average or below. That does not include triplets, etc. If they have more than two, the youngest will be sent to an adoption centre to be adopted by those who are unable to have children.

If an average or below has a child that is of an above-average status, the child will be the only one allowed to use pretty privileges.

If an above-average have an average or below child, the parents will be the only ones allowed to use pretty privileges.

"Yes." Your answer couldn't have been simpler. You wanted to stay with Yeonjun and it's not like you had anywhere to go now that you've been kicked out of the university. You highly doubt that your parents would let you come back home. Especially if they found out the reason behind it. But even if you could go back home, the look on Yeonjun's face was 100% better when you agreed to go with him, than if you said no and went back home.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy," Yeonjun picked you up and spun you around. The smile on his face was brighter than the sun and you could see tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "We'll need to leave tonight then. Especially since you have to unless you want to get in trouble with the cops. I'll let Soobin know that you agreed. He'll come and help you pack up your things. Only take the important things, we need to conserve space. It'll only be the three of us, so there won't be that much space taken up, but we'll still need to be able to have little things in case we need to ditch the van and run on foot. But I doubt that will happen. Understand baby?"

He looks at you and you can just feel like everything will be okay. You will be perfectly fine. You not only have your best friend along your side but you also have the love of your life too. "Don't worry Jjunie, I understand. But where are we going?" You can't help, but be curious. There's nowhere you can go where people won't be trying to separate you guys. Anyone can tell that he's an above-average and anyone can tell that you're an average. Plus, it doesn't help that when you go to use your bank account it requires you to use your ID, which then would alert the cops that someone on their wanted list has been spotted. You find it completely insane that society would go to such extreme lengths just to keep two happy people apart because society believes in superficial bullshit that if you aren't "beautiful" enough, you can't be with someone who is.

"You remember the legend that our parents would talk about when we were kids," Yeonjun asks. "you know how they would say that there was a city somewhere that doesn't abide by society's rules and laws? How they have their own government and are completely separate from the rest of the world?"

"Yeah, but isn't that a myth? Haven't people been searching for the city their whole lives and either they never return or they give up on finding the Lost City? Plus we have absolutely no idea where it could be at. I don't think I have enough cash either to be able to search for a city, that might not even be real, for the rest of my life."

"Y/n, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do Jjunie. I'm just scared because what if we go on this trip and get caught," you were nervously pacing around the room. Being nervous was an understatement; you were anxious, terrified, and all the synonyms for the word scared. But anyone would be in your situation. This was a major risk, not only for you but for Yeonjun and Soobin as well. Soobin wasn't in trouble with the cops or the school, so he could go on with his life and keep being who he is. But being associated with you? That'll make him associated with a criminal and join the wanted list. Same with Yeonjun, well, minus becoming a wanted criminal. Because he has a higher status than both you and Soobin, he will have a more lenient sentence and just leave with a slap on the wrist. Yet another thing is wrong with our society.

"Babe don't worry. We won't get caught because Soobin has some intel on how to find the Lost City. Don't worry about money either, did you already forget about my secret bank account?"

"Yeonjun, as soon as any of us use our ID we will get caught immediately."

"Cash doesn't require us to use our ID's. I already took out all of the cash beforehand. I had a strong feeling that something like this was going to happen. Trust me Y/n, Soobin and I have everything planned out." Yeonjun hugs you and then pulls away to kiss your forehead. "Everything is going to be okay. All you have to do is trust me."

"I do trust you Jjunie, I really do." You place a quick kiss on his lips.

There was a knock at the door, must be Soobin. You opened the door and saw Soobin standing in front of the door with two duffel bags. "What's in those," you point to the two bags he's holding.

"Clothes, food, other items. We're leaving tonight and I don't have the keys to the van so I brought them with me. And since I'm helping you pack, I'll just throw them in there afterwards."

You nod and head to your bedroom to pack the remainder of the things that you could take with you. You shoved all of your clothes into the same luggage bag you used to bring your clothes from home to this very school. You thought you'd been staying here for a while and not have to fish out the luggage bag for a couple more years, but only after two years of being at this university were you forced to leave.

You take one last look at your bedroom and sigh. You will no longer be allowed to call this place your home. You exit your bedroom with your luggage case following behind you. "Alright, I've packed up all of my clothes. I don't think I'm going to take anything besides what I've packed. Sorry, Soobin."

Yeonjun takes your luggage and carries it for you, "well, then let's get going. We've got a long drive ahead of us and the sooner we leave the better."

The three of you leave your dorm and head to Yeonjun's van. You take one final look at the university and wave goodbye. 

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