Chapter 8

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Warnings in chapter: Swearing, kissing, mentions of kidnapping

Word count: 4.2k+

You whip your head and look at Soobin in the backseat with a worried glance, "Yeah? What is it?"

Soobin holds up his phone so that you can read the text messages. Your eyes quickly scan the messages and shock morphs onto your face.

"Y/n? What is it? What do they say? I can't read them since I'm driving. Why do you look so anxious," Yeonjun asks frantically trying to get an answer out of either of you.

"Uhm, looks like it is Ari who sent the messages to Soobin and it turns out she is the one who told literally everyone that you ran off with me...but instead of you running away from me it was kidnapping you..."

"What? What the fuck? Why?"

"It looks like the messages are speaking directly to Y/n through me because not once does she say my name, but it looks like she knows that I came with you guys. Fuck what are we going to do? She knows!" Soobin starts to lowkey freak out about the whole situation.

"Soobin, calm down! Turn off your phone right now. If she knows that you're with us then she can tell the police at any point and have them track your cell phone. Fuck, maybe that's why the cop back at the gas station was asking all of those questions. Fuck! Yeonjun, what do we do," You look over at Yeonjun and see him gripping the steering wheel tightly, making his knuckles turn white. You gently place your arm on Yeonjun's shoulder, snapping him out of his daze.

"I don't know. It's going to be dark soon and we still have a while until we make it to the Lost City. And now that we are out of the city, there won't really be anywhere to lay low for a few hours. We'll have to keep driving and hope there's no cops at a roadblock waiting for us."

"Yeonjun, why don't we pull over and you let me take over driving? I already slept quite a bit, so you'll need it, same with you Y/n," Soobin offers.

You nod your head in agreement, "Come on Jjunie, pull over and Soo drive. You've been driving for hours and you're all worked up because of the whole Ari situation. You need some sleep."

Yeonjun sighs in defeat, "Alright, I'll pull over."

Yeonjun pulls over to the side of the road and unbuckles his seatbelt. He opens the car door and switches spots with Soobin. You unbuckle your seatbelt and sit in the backseat next to Yeonjun. You cuddle into Yeonjun's side, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls him closer intohim. He kisses the side of your head and whispers soothing words into your ear, calming down your racing heart. You slowly drift off to sleep as Soobin starts driving.

A few hours later you woke up, the sun had completely gone down and the moon had risen. You rub your eyes attempting to fight off the sleep. There was a low hum of the radio in the background. You look over and see Yeonjun still fast asleep, his arm no longer around your shoulders, but instead both of his arms are wrapped around your waist. It was rather uncomfortable, but Yeonjun looked too peaceful to move away from. So instead you press a gentle kiss to his forehead. You look to the front seat and see that Soobin looks incredibly tired.

"Soo, why don't you pull over and let me drive until Jjunie wakes up," you ask in a quiet voice to not wake up Yeonjun.

"No, I'm okay, you wouldn't know where to go anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just make conversation with me so that I'm bored and keep me awake. The music on the radio is making me feel like I'm going to fall asleep."

You laugh lightly, "that I can do. Do you know how much longer we have until we arrive at the Lost City?"

"We should arrive in a few hours, it'll still be dark when we arrive, so we'll have to find a hotel that's still open before we can go talk to the mayor of the Lost City.

"Okay, that's fine by me, as long as I have a warm place that isn't the car." Soobin laughs at your comment and quickly agrees.

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