Chapter 9

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"Did you sleep well? Do you need more cushions? Are you feeling any better? Do you like the food? Oh wait, I will get you some water. Or do you want anything else to drink? Not that we have that. But I can always go and get it in the market", says Niall while I eat the food Liam made. He made some muesli. It surprisingly tastes delicious.

"I had a nightmare but except for that, I slept well. I don't need any more cushions. I feel perfect. And water is fine for me", I answer all of Niall's questions.

Since December the third Niall has been asking the same questions every morning. I have had the same nightmare every night.

It's the tenth of December. I eat breakfast every morning at 9 a.m.. During the day I don't do a lot. I read some old books, I still sleep a lot during the day and in the evening I learn the boys how to cook, which has been an adventure every time.

"Do you want to do anything special today?" asks Niall while grinning widely.

"Do you have something in mind?" I ask him even though I know he has an idea.

"Well I was thinking since you don't have anything to do, I could learn you archery?"

I look up with wide eyes: "That's the best idea you have had long as I know you."

Niall smiles, I can see he is delighted that I like his idea.

He runs off to take his arch bow plus another one that I can use. Meanwhile, I put the, now empty, bowl in the sink.

We leave the house and Niall takes me through the woods to an open field with four trees neatly in a row. The boys probably do it often right next to each other.

Niall starts to explain how to hold the bow and how to shoot and I listen carefully. A couple of times he has to repeat himself because I am mesmerized by the sounds the forest reproduces.

My first shot is as expected not even close to the tree in front of me, even though I am standing only a couple of meters away.

The time flies by without either of us noticing, therefore I completely forget to eat. Luckily Liam comes to say that it's already 4 p.m..

"I didn't notice it has been this long already. I guess time flies by when you have fun", Niall laughs.

I laugh with him. Together we walk back to the house, while we talk about my shooting skills. Well, let me just say, they are non-existent. Niall though, says that I just need more practice.

"We can do this every day. You can gain more skills plus then you get your vitamin D."

"I don't think that will be a good idea if you are going to forget to let him eat lunch every day. Even if you won't, he still needs to let his body recover," Liam says seriously, but he quickly adds, "Plus he will not gain any skills if he learns it from you."

"Ouch!" Niall yells. "And I know that he still needs to recover, I am just so excited to teach him everything. I will try not to forget his lunch next time."

"You better not", I say laughing at their conversation.

When we arrive back in the house, I can smell dinner right away. Harry and Zayn are both standing in the kitchen cooking. I can smell some vegetables and rice.

"I told Zayn to make some rice. Seems like he asked Harry to help him", Liam confirms my thoughts.

"Hey guys, the food didn't burn!" Zayn yells happily from the kitchen.

Everyone laughs because since I got here Zayn hasn't been able to make a meal without it turning into a catastrophe.

I sit at the dinner table, which never has been to any use before they kidnapped me since they don't eat normal meals, and watch the two finish my meal. Afterward, I start eating it while they take a seat.

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