Chapter 10

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When I wake up the next morning the first thing on my mind is Harry. Him and a lot of unanswered questions. They float in my mind like leaves swirling in the wind.

Who turned him?

Why did they do that?

Is that the reason he can't control himself?

Am I ever going to find out the answer to these questions?

A thousand leaves swirling around my brain at the same time.

All the leaves fall at the same time when Niall knocks at the door.

I didn't realize so much time passed. It's currently afternoon and Niall comes to pick me up for our archery lesson.

Like the day before, I don't even come close to the tree most of the time. The questions still lingering in my mind. I convince myself that's the only reason I am shooting like a two-year-old.

After about an hour I ask subtly: "Niall, are all of you shapeshifters because it's in one of your parents' DNA?"

Niall drops his hand from holding my arms at the right angle: "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about when you told someone could also be turned. I am just curious."

Niall takes my arm again and says: "You should hold your arm parallel with the ground."

For the rest of the lesson Niall doesn't answer my question, but I can feel that he is thinking about it considering he has been quieter from the moment I asked. I think that he doesn't want me to know that the question is still lingering in his mind because he is trying to make silly jokes that he usually makes. Although he is not doing a very good job at it.

While we walk back to the house, he finally gives in.

"I don't see the reason to lie to you, so I am just going to be honest. I have, like I already told you, the genes from my father and my mother, same with Liam. Zayn has the genes from his mother alone. Harry was turned. We still don't know by who."

I listen closely to his explanation. Now I have even more questions than before.

"Is Zayn's father not a shapeshifter?"



We arrive at the house and I start making dinner for myself.

"Niall, can I come with you to the mall any time soon?" I ask hopefully. I want to get out of this house and be around other people again.

"You can just tell one of us what you want and we will get it for you", he answers.

"Why can't I come with you. I will behave, I promise. I just want to see other people for once, I have been seeing the same four faces for over ten days."

Niall frowns, but then smiles: "Okay."

I look at him with the happiest face since they brought me here and I jump up from my chair. Without thinking and out of happiness I run at Niall and hug him.

Niall freezes and I realize that I just jumped at a blood-eating creature. I step back from Niall while he looks at me in shock. His expression scares me and I walk back to the table while starting to tremble.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have jumped at you. I am deeply sorry", I ramble frightened that I accidentally encouraged his blood-drinking sense or something. I walk back further into the kitchen until I reach a wall.

Unexpectedly, regret takes over Niall's expression. He falls to the ground and starts crying. He starts saying things I can't comprehend while hugging his knees. I look at him in surprise. I am still afraid, but now I am confused too. I hear a lot of footsteps approaching the kitchen, but I don't bother to look up to see who runs into the room. I can only see Niall, crying, on the floor. I can't hear the words that are said.

Niall looks up in my eyes and that's the moment I come back to my senses. Everyone is talking through one another. Everyone is asking questions to me and Niall. It all goes too fast, so I decide to run.

I run out of the kitchen.

I run through the living room and the hall.

I run out the door and into the woods.

I run and run until my legs give in and I fall to the ground.

It's dark outside, my eyes need some time to adjust to the darkness. I didn't notice it was already this late in the evening. It's also pretty cold since it's the beginning of the winter.

I curl in a ball and close my eyes. The forest ground underneath me feels harsh but comforting at the same time. I can hear multiple different animals living their lives, not noticing a human laying on the ground in the middle of the forest. Finally, after a long time, I feel completely free again.

I hope the police will find me soon. They surely will be looking for me, right? Someone must have noticed my absence at the hospital. I couldn't have taken them long to realize I was missing. They are probably looking for me now.

I miss them. My kids in the hospital. From the first day, I have felt like a father to them.

I treated them as if they were my children.

I know I won't be able to have children for myself so I always spoiled them as I would to my children.

I think children are the most beautiful creatures living on this earth. They are always honest even though you wish they weren't. They are always happy and they bring joy to the world. They see life through pink glasses, they see the good in everything and everybody.

After some time, I fall asleep, like always I have the same nightmare again. I wake up screaming. I hear my scream echo through the woods and animals rustling away.

I am so cold that I can't feel my legs or arms. I try to stand up but fall within a second on the harsh floor. My body hurts from the fall. The night before the ground didn't feel this hard, some twigs and leaves are pricking in the flesh on my arms.

I stamp my feet, trying to get some feeling in them, but it doesn't work. I yell out again in frustration, hoping someone can hear me.

Though my cry isn't answered.

It's the middle of the night and I am alone in a forest I don't know my way in. Even if I knew my way to the house again, I wouldn't have been able to get there because of my unusable legs.

I let my head fall to the ground. I curl up in a ball again, trying to find some warmth but it's nowhere to be found.

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