Backstory Part 2

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It had already been about a week and a half, and I've only managed to beat Makomo, and I've been inching closer to Giyu, but by the time I get to him, I'm already exhausted because of Makomo. Sabito wasn't kidding. It was nothing but constant training. my entire body aches whenever I move. I didn't have much time left...I needed to do this fast. Or else I won't be able to join them. On our occasional breaks, Makomo would treat any minor cuts or bruises I had. Then it would be right back into training. This was the 6th time today. I kept failing against Giyu, and had to re-fight Makomo over and over again. Giyu knocked me on my ass again, and it was time to do it over. It would be easier if I could use my breathing, but everytume I tried to use total concentration, my lungs felt like that were being scratched by thousands of tiny little claws. After catching my breath, I finally got back up, and raised my wooden sword to Makomo. I began wondering why I could barely touch Giyu. Why it seemed like he out-classed me in every way. I was doing everything exactly how Urokodaki taught me. So why did nothing work. Then, I saw it. They each had their own unique style. Their own way of fighting, moving, and thinking. While I was merely doing everything as I was told. It was just like Urokodaki said. Water can take any shape or form. I just needed a stance that can act as the vase. bring out my strengths, while covering my weaknesses. I snapped out of my thoughts when Makomo got ready to strike. I gripped the sword with my right hand, taking my left hand off the handle, lowering my body and spreading my legs, flipping my blade and holding it the way one would usually hold a dagger, then positioned my open left hand in front of my chest. A low stance that brought out my strengths. I may not be fast like Makomo, but I'm agile, flexible, quick to react, and "spinny" as Sabito puts it. I tend to twist and turn a lot when fighting. So using it to my advantage could give me an upper hand. I was ready to start so I could fine-tune my new stance, but Makomo decided to play 20 questions.

Makomo: "Um.....what is that?"

Y/N: "It's a stance?"

Makomo tried to hold back a very audible giggle.

Makomo: "What kind of stance is that??"

Y/N "Can we stop worrying about my stance and fight?"

Makomo: "S-sorry its're I just thought-"

After I grew impatient waiting for us to start, I charged Makomo, aiming for her shoulder as I didn't want to hurt her too much. She quickly reacted, jumping to the side with a look of disbelief.

Makomo: "That wasn't fair! We were having a conversation!"

Y/N: "You wouldn't stop talking about my stance! I got bored and decided to attack. A demon wouldn't have waited that long!"

Makomo only pouts and gets ready to fight again, which is exactly what I wanted. I quickly drop back into my stance exactly as before as Makomo dashes toward me. She had a very fast, and sometimes confusing style of fighting, but begins to lose those advantages when blocked or parried. She starts to become predictable, so the second she swings her wooden sword, I confidently counter with an opposite strike which carried a lot more power than I thought, as it almost knocked Makomo off her feet. I used this to my advantage however, rushing her with an overhead strike, which she barely evades, everything going exactly as I'd hoped. As she touches the ground, I jump slightly into the air, spinning slightly and throwing a kick at her, which I expected her to dodge, but it took her by surprise and next thing I knew, I had thrown a full-powered kick straight into Makomo's nose. Makomo fell to the ground, as small tears began to build up in her eyes.

Y/N: "I'm so sorry! I expected you to dodge like you usually would!"

Makomo: "I-It's okay! I was just slow and didn't see it coming..."

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