Round 2/Sun In My Lungs.

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Y/N's Dream....

I was running through the forest, ignoring the mission Akaza gave me to investigate the horrible feeling I'd been feeling from this direction. After running through the trees as fast as I could, I came across Doma about eat another Hashira. I hated it when Doma only ate women. It infuriated me.

3rd Person POV

Y/N(15): "STOP!"

Y/N ran over and shoulder checked Doma before before he could devour the poor Hashira. Y/N stood in front of her, trying to shield her from him.

Y/N: "Leave her alone!"

Y/N looks back to the woman Doma was about to eat. She was badly injured, about 16-17, with long hair and....two green and pink butterfly clips.

Doma: "Akaza's dog! You know, this is the 3rd time you've done this! Muzan won't be happy, he won't be happy at all~"

Y/N: "L-Leave her a-alone!"

Y/N watched as the sun was about to rise, taking note of this he looked to the girl again.

The bleeding girl stands up and runs as fast as her beaten body would allow her. Doma tried to follow, but Y/N jumped towards him, wrapping his arms around Doma's legs.

Doma: "You little- let go of me!"

Doma began kicking Y/N to knock him off, But Y/N wasn't giving up. No matter what, he kept his hold on Doma until he saw the girl had reached sun light, thus ending Doma's persuit.

Doma: "She's gone, you can let go now!"

Y/N slowly releases his grip, only for Doma to kick him into a tree.

Doma: "I'm starting to wonder why Muzan hasn't killed you yet. Though...he actually might this time~!"

Muzan: "So. You mean to tell me, that you, once again, failed in your mission.....because of a CHILD?!?"

Doma: "If Akaza kept his dog on a leash, this wouldn't keep ha-"

A large arm comes from who the fuck knows and grabs Doma's head, tightening it's grip.

Muzan: "I don't recall telling you to speak. You did not fail because of Y/N, you failed because YOU, were incompetent. YOU, couldn't best the mere arms of a child."

The arm legs go of Doma and he falls to the ground, clearly in pain, but not expressing it.

Muzan: "I'd say not to let it happen again, but clearly that's not working. Y/N. Come here child."

Y/N slowly walks over, terrified. Shaking. Tears threatening to pour from his eyes.

Muzan: "Do you fear me, boy?"

Y/N hesitantly nods, looking at the ground.

Muzan: "Good. Now. Look at me."

Y/N slowly raises his head, with Muzan grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up at him.

Muzan: "Do you see where fear gets you? Do you see how I control you, simply because you're too scared to speak for yourself? How does that make you feel?"

Y/N didn't even need to answer, Muzan already knew how he felt.

Muzan: "That feeling. Remember it. Remember that helplessness. Remember that fear. As you are, you are nothing to me."

Muzan let's go of Y/N, watching as he stumbles back and falls to the ground.

Muzan: "I'm sending you to Daki. You seem to have the least resistance when with her. Next time, I will not be so forgiving. This is the last time I'll let you off. Akaza. Come here."

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