CH.1 - The Arrival

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I feel a shudder that wakes me from my nap. I look around and I seem to be in a moving box slowly going upward. I'm in complete darkness. I put my hand in front of me and wave it around. I can't see a thing. The box suddenly starts to move very fast. I feel the air whip around me. Just as I start to get used to the movement it all stops. Am I at the top? A hear a screech and see sudden sunlight. Doors above me open slowly. A skinny boy jumps down into the box with me. He gives me a confused look and then looks up at where I suspect other people are standing.

"Another girl?" He says questionably. "I have a name." I snap back over the chatter of boys.

"Sorry love." He says. "We just have never had a girl come here until Teresa, and now you. We are just all confused."

"Where is here exactly?" I ask.

"The glade." The boy says. "Come here and I'll explain." He says as he holds out his hand. I take it and he helps me out of the box. I get out and take a step back. There are boys surrounding me on all sides. They are all staring at me and I feel myself blush. All of the boys look to be younger than the older boy who helped my out of the box. I look around and there are walls surrounding me on all sides as taller than anything I've ever seen. Now that I think about it, a can't remember ever seeing anything taller than those walls. In fact, I can't remember of anything at all except my name.

"Ummm..." I say quietly. "I can't remember anything."

"It's okay." The older boy says. "Its completely normal. You better get some rest before I tell you the rest. You seem a bit overwhelmed at the moment."

"Okay." I grunt.

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