Chapter 1: Working hard but guess who comes

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Hello everyone, this is my first fan story so I hope you like it. I have been writing it for a while and I already have some of trhe next chapters planned for ideas but please comment if you have any ideas or thoughts for future!

credit for story image: creator on pinterest, I don't know the artist so if anyone knows you can tell me and I will gove the credit

I wake up in the morning to my alarm going off. It is always so loud. I can hear my brother screaming at my in the hallway to turn it off. Even though I had stayed up so late last night watching youtube and playing my favourite games he never cares about anyone accept for himself. I change into my favorite outfit. \
I am wearing my best black jeans that stick tightly to the curves my legs and my body with a soft pink T-shirt that is also sort of tight. I put my long blond hair into a high ponytail to show off my face. I don't think I look very attractive but everyone else thinks I am beautiful because of my cute nose, pink lips, and bright blue eyes. I hear my brother in the sitting room watching youtube on the main tv. He loves to watch gaming channels and SCP youtubers, and last night I had showed him my favorite one Simarded who played SCP secret laboratory.
I bike over to my job where I work part time at McDonalds. I have to work because I need the money since my family is poor and they cannot afford very much. I don't mind working because I am a hard worker, but it is a hard job and usually people are very rude and mean.
I get to work and stand in the change room to put on my work uniform. It is a collared shirt and it looks nicer on me than it would on most people, but my boss walks in. "Hey! Why aren't you working already! Your such an awful employee why do we keep you!" I apologize "I am supposed to start in 10 minutes". My boss doesn't care and he just keeps on yelling at me "I am your boss, do not talk back to me young lady! This is why you will stay poor and alone for your entire life, no one wants back talk like this!" His words sting me a little bit, but I have to be okay with it becase he is my boss. I run out to the front counter where there are lines and lines of guests all waiting to order and get their happy meals. "I am ready for the next customer!" I say with my customer service voice. A large woman with frizzy red hair pushes past everyone and yells at me "I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 20 MINUTES DO NONE OF YOU WORKERS HAVE ANY DECENCY" "I am sorry mam, I apologize for the wait, how can I help you?" I say very politely, but she does not care for my kindness "YOUNG LADY YOU MUST SHOW ME SOME RESPECT!!! I am the customer and you are supposed to serve me" "Yes mam" I say quietly. "NOW I NEED YOU TO GET ME 4 HAPPY MEALS FOR MY CHILDREN" I know she is going to yell at me again, but I have to tell her the truth. "I am so sorry we are out of happy mneals today, it has been so busy that they have all been sold already". "EXCUSE ME?!?!?! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME" she roars in my face. She also starts swearing at me and calling me a mistake in life. Her words are hurting me to hear but I have to put up with it. she gets so close to the counter and grabs me by the collar and threatens that she needs the food.

Suddenly a hand on the womans shoulder pulls her back. It is a very manly hand with strong fingers. I suddenly hear a familiar voice. It is gentle but strong, with a firm sounds to his voice and yet sounds like he is about to laugh and make a joke at any minute. "You cant treat employees like that. That is rude, and you are a grown lady, you should know better." The terrible customer turns around and looks at him, since she is not covering my view, now I can see the guy too. He is very tall with long dark hair that falls in front of his vibrant eyes. Even though I hadn't ever seen him before I knew who it was immediateyly because of his voice that I heard many times late night in bed. "Simarded! I exclaimed excitedly! "I know who you are! I love your videos" He softly chuckles to himself in a familiar way that I have heard many times. "Oh a fan are you?> What are you doing working in a place like this where they treat you so terribly?" "I need the money" I explain with a sad look on my face.

"Why don't you come work for me then? I always need good people like yourself to help me with my content. Do you know how to edit videos and do a good job?" He looks at me seriously but I tell he is excited by the way his eyes dance.
"Yes! I am very good at editing videos, I always make montages and AMV videos in my free time!" I say happily.
"Well why don't you join me then" Simarded reaches his hand out to me and is holding a small card. The card is a dark black color and has neon purple writing on it that saysa an address on one side and a phone number on the other side. Then Simarded grabs a bag of chicken nuggets on the counter and walked away. I stand there so shocked staring at the card in my hand. I will have to figure out what to do with it next.

That is the end of this part guys, I hope anyone who reads the story likes it and I promise I will keep writing so I can post another part soon, but school is started now so it might take me a few days to finish. The next chapter is mostly already finished but I need to write the end part.

When my life changed: Meeting a youtuber: Falling in love: Simarded Fan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now