Chapter 21 - He does not give up

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Even days later after Yibo learned that he was going to be a father, he was still happy. He still could not believe that he will soon be a husband and father. And he was even looking forward to the baby, even though he himself said before that he and Zhan still had enough time to start a family. Now he could hardly wait to hold his baby in his arms.

What dimmed Yibo's joy a bit, however, was that his father still wouldn't give up making his life a living hell. However, out of concern for Zhan and their baby, he had decided not to tell Zhan about the new trouble with his father. Zhan's doctor told them clearly that Zhan needed rest and should avoid stress.

So he asked Zhan to take a few days off and get some proper rest at home. At first Zhan was against it, because then, as Zhan said, he wouldn't be able to see Yibo all day and would miss him too much. But after Yibo asked him to think about their baby, Zhan gave in and stayed home.

And Yibo was glad that Zhan stayed home. Because what his father had done now again, Yibo seriously doubted his father's sanity. He trusted him to do a lot, but that his father would come to him in the office and that with a 22 year old woman and introduced her as Yibo's fiancée, even Yibo would not have expected in his worst nightmares.

Like every morning, Yibo first checked his emails and started to answer the most important ones in order when there was a knock at the door to his office. After a short "come in" the door opened and Yibo's father came grinning into the office. And with him he had this pretty 22 year old woman, who immediately stood next to Yibo, while his father immediately took a picture of the two of them and called them a perfect couple.

Confused by the action, Yibo asked his father, "What are you doing?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you. This is Gina and she is your fiancée. I wanted to introduce her to you today." Explained his father with a big grin and his supposed fiancée grinned right along with him.

"My what? My fiancée? Say, are you now probably abandoned by all good spirits? What are you thinking?" Yibo shouted angrily.

"You don't have to raise your voice. Your marriage was decided two years ago. Your mother and I arranged it. And now that Gina is done with her studies, you two should finally get married."

"Tell me, did something happen to your head that made your brain shrink to the size of a fly's shit? I don't care at all what you and Mom arranged two years ago, I'm definitely not going to marry that woman. And fortunately, you don't have any leverage over me that you can use to coerce me into marrying her either."

"Oh yeah, and what if it gets out that the chief justice's son is gay and in a relationship with you?"

"Well make it known. Zhan's father stands by his son and everyone at the court knows Zhan is gay because his father talks about it openly. And even if you spread my homosexuality in the media, I don't care at all. Because most of our clients know that Zhan and I are not only business partners, but also private."

"Still, I'm sure it wouldn't be good for you if this became known. Besides, we made a contract with Gina's parents. So you guys have to get married."

"Do we have to? I don't think so. And if it's so important to you to make her a member of the family, why don't you marry her yourself? You know how to do it. You proved that with Hai Kuan's wife."

"I don't need to hear that from you!"

"And I don't need to hear from you that you're going to marry me off to some woman without my consent just because it benefits you and your business. In case you haven't realized it yet, such arranged marriages may have been normal and allowed back then, but not anymore. And you can't force me to marry this woman even with a contract."

Beautiful You [YiZhan FF] MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now