[Fluff] Gold: Love in Winter

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Requested by: Yuneara


The cries of the Pidgeys outside stirred me awake as I slowly came back to reality. My eyelids felt heavy and I couldn't help but snuggle back into the warm blankets of my bed but, before my eyelids gave up on me once again, I heard my door creak open followed by quiet, meticulous footsteps that stopped at the side of my bed. I felt light shoves on my back followed by a familiar cry, which only made me burrow into my sheets even more.

"Five more minutes (F/P/N)." I whispered as I tried my best to ignore their attempts at waking me up. After, what felt like, minutes a knock was heard on the window beside me. Slowly getting frustrated with all the noise, I finally mustered the strength to sit up and open my (E/C) eyes towards the window, which was instantly met with a pair of shining black ones.

Taken by surprised, I jumped out of bed and felt my heart hammering in my chest. "OH MY ARCEUS- GOLD YOU SCARED ME!!" I exclaimed as the boy laughed on the branch of the tree beside my window.

"Sorry about that (N/N)! Just wanted to ask if you wanna hang out today?" Gold replied as I opened the window to hear him more clearly. "Did you really have to scare me to ask that? I could've evolved into a ghost type you know?" I joked, rolling my eyes with a smile. "Plus, you already know I'm down."

Gold smiled back in excitement as he fist pumped the air, almost losing his balance in the process. "Alright sweet! I'll meet you at the lake in 30 minutes. See you then!" he exclaimed before quickly climbing down before I could even reply.

"I STILL NEED TO GET READY AND EAT BREAKFAST, YOU KNOW?!" I yelled, as my (E/C) eyes followed the running trainer on the ground. Turning to face my window; "JUST SPEEDRUN IT THEN!" he yelled back before spinning back around and continuing his way. I sighed in defeat before a smile formed on my lips as (F/P/N) laughed in the background.

~ ~ ~

"Sorry if I kept you waiting!" I exclaimed as I jogged towards the trainer who was petting his Cyndaquil beside the frozen lakeside. Grabbing his attention, he spun around and gave me a big, excited smile. "Don't worry about it (N/N)." Gold chuckled as he gave Cyndaquil one last pet before standing up. 'What an adorable smile.' I thought as a blush unknowingly made its way onto my cheeks. With the way Gold looked at me, I could tell that he noticed, so to avoid an unwanted, and awkward, situation, I quickly tried to start a new one.

"So! Mr. I-will-climb-up-a-tree-and-unknowingly-scare-his-friend, what do you wanna do today?" I asked as I petted (F/P/N) while white puffs of smoke left my lips. Placing a hand under his chin, a look of thought formed on Gold's face. "Well, since we're here, why not try ice-skating?"

My (E/C) eyes widened at the request as I started to feel nervous, "I... I actually never went ice-skating before..." I muttered out in embarrassment as I glanced down to the ground to avoid eye contact with the male trainer. I could hear a light chuckled followed with a; "Don't worry! I'll teach you!" As soon as I heard those words, I instantly looked up with excitement. A wide smile appeared on my lips as I jumped into Gold's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much! I've always wanted to try but I never had the chance." I explained as I felt two arms snake around me, returning the hug. "I-It's not a problem (N/N)." Gold mumbled, but only after I heard his reply did I notice the embrace we're sharing. Embarrassed beyond comprehension, I removed myself from the hug, which Gold allowed. I gave him a nervous laugh as I scratched the back of my head. "Haha sorry about that." I mumbled before quickly changing the topic once again.

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