[Fluff] Blue/Green: Music to Our Ears

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Just to remind you all again: Every time I write about Blue/Green I would use "Blue" as his name because I follow his canon name in the English games <3


"Just wait a bit longer alright (F/P)? The flight's almost here." A (H/C) haired trainer reassured her partner, who looked quite annoyed with waiting this entire time. Giggling at the expression of her beloved Pokémon, (Y/N) gently caressed their head; without her smile faltering, she calmly added, "Once we get to Alola, I promise we'll spend the entire day outside. How does that sound?" Earning a happy cry from her partner, the trainer simply nodded before watching the planes through the large windows.

After a couple more minutes, a voice boomed from the airport speakers, directing the announcement to the passengers for Alola and, hearing an excited squeal from her Pokémon, (Y/N) didn't hesitate and simply stood up and waited in line to get to the plane. Luckily for (Y/N) her seat was in the aisles, which was perfect considering that (F/P) loved to walk up and down the plane.

* * *

"(F/P)! Wait up! We didn't even find our seats yet!" (Y/N) exclaimed as that said Pokémon ran past both her and the crew member into the airplane's aisle, only stopping when they located their seat number. "You're way too excited for this move huh?" (Y/N) laughed as she placed her luggage in the compartment above while (F/P) simply sat on her seat eagerly. Deciding not to get comfy at that moment, the (H/C) haired girl slid into the row and waited for the two other passengers that would take the seats beside her. After a minute or two of a constant inflow of passengers, (Y/N) saw two males arranging their luggages above her row. 'Hm... Must be my row-mates' (Y/N) thought, and she was right.

"Sorry to bother you miss, can my friend and I squeeze through?" The brunette asked, making the female trainer nod. "Sure thing! Just give me a sec~" (Y/N) replied, scooping up (F/P) and sliding out of her seat before quickly sliding back in when the two males sat on theirs. While waiting for the rest of the passengers, (Y/N) couldn't help but glance beside her every once in a while. The male by the window had black hair, red eyes and even had his Pikachu sitting on his lap while the one in the middle had spiky brown hair and brown eyes. 'He's kinda good looking...' (Y/N) thought to herself when she glanced the brunette but quickly shook it off before a blush could make its way onto her cheeks.

However, her own thoughts were cut short when (Y/N) felt (F/P) hop off her lap and onto the brunette's beside her to talk to Pikachu, shocking the male and embarrassing their trainer in the process. "A-Ah! O-Oh my Arceus, I'm so sorry! (F/P)'s just really friendly." (Y/N) stuttered, trying to usher her partner back but she heard a laugh instead. "Don't worry about it! If they want to play with Pikachu they can stay on my lap; no problem." the brunette answered while petting (F/P). The female's (E/C) coloured eyes widened in surprise, 'S-so cute... WAIT- KNOCK IT OFF (Y/N) HE'S A STRANGER-' (Y/N) mentally scolded herself. "T-thank you... My name's (Y/N) and I guess you already met (F/P)." the (H/C) haired girl shyly stuttered out.

"Nice to meet ya (Y/N)! I'm Blue and my buddy over here's Red." Blue introduced while Red simply tipped his hat to the female. "Talking isn't really his forte." he added, earning a 'Ohhh' from (Y/N). To avoid any awkwardness, (Y/N) tried to start some small talk; "Which region are you guys from?"

Somehow, while the plane took off, Blue and (Y/N) held some light conversation. (Y/N) learned about their positions back at Kanto and in return, they learned about (Y/N)'s position as a researcher back at (Region).

"And yeah! I'm moving to Alola to study the region variance and how the environment could impact the typing of the Pokémon residing there. I would also help with any data transfers from the professors between Alola and (Region)."

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