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"Yow ten stop swallowing johnny's face and take this envelope from my hand"
Yuta said disgusted.

"Shut up who is it from"
Ten asked pulling away from his boyfriend.

"It's from achara"
He read the name.

Ten smile grew big and snatched the envelope from his hand, opening it there was two million won in there.

"Damn who sent you that"
Johnny asked as he looked inside it as well.

"My beautiful twin sister"
He said grinning.

(Ten does have a sister in reality but she is NOT a stripper and they aren't twins)

"What's your sisters job"
Yuta asked.

He answered shortly counting the money to make sure all was there.

"Wow I better start stripping too"
Yuta joked.

"And I'll chop off your dick"
Sicheng came into the room.

"Babe it was a joke"
Yuta said running to him.

"There's a letter"
Johnny pointed out.

Ten took it out and read it he began moving up and down excitedly.

"Baby no"
Johnny groaned.

"Sorry but my sister is coming to Korea"
Ten said clapping.

"She can stay here if she doesn't have a place to stay I'm sure tae will let her"
Sicheng said playing with his boyfriend's hair.

"I hope so"
Ten said leaning on his boyfriend.

"You guys haven't seen each other in a long while? "
Yuta asked.

"No when I left Thailand my dad wouldn't let her leave with me I was devastated she was my partner in crime I miss her so much"
Ten said on the verge of tears.

"It's ok babe"
Johnny rubbed his back.

"Wow what's happening here"
A man with blue hair asked walking in.

"Tae I need a huge favor"
Ten sat up.

"What is it?"
He asked sitting down.

"My twin sister is coming to Korea and I would really want her to stay with my so can she live here with us"
Ten asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course ten but does she know you're in 𝚝𝚑𝚎 mafia "
He asked

"Yeah she does remember the girl who I told you about yesterday"
Ten asked.

"Your sister taught you how to fight!?"
Sicheng asked loudly.

"Yep she could do it all hack, spy, assassinate, fight and shoot"
He said showing off his sister.

"So why is she a stripper?"
Yuta asked.

"Dad forced her to he never cared about us he wasn't even with our mom when she was at the hospital giving birth to us, she had stay by our aunts house because he kept complaining that we were making too much noise were barely a month"
Ten ranted furious.

"You don't have to worry about him now, when is your sister coming"
Taeyong asked.

"Tomorrow at 12am sharp"
Ten said.

"Ok we'll go pick her up"
Taeyong said smiling.

"Thanks TY"
He said.

"No problem but one question what's your sister's name?"
Taeyong asked.

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