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Achara pov

While I the room I sat on a bouncy ball that the doctors said would help as the girls sat and waited for the guys.

"Ah fuck where is he!?!"
I shouted angrily and in pain.

"Chara you need to stop shouting and focus on the bouncing"
Yeoareum said.

"Ok ok"
I said.

After about twenty minutes the door to the room burst open revealing all of the guys, Taeyong ran to me in a flash.

"Hey baby are you guys doing ok"
He asked.

Engrossed in the pain I just nodded.

"The doctor said that she's 5cm dilated but she was so much in pain he put her on the ball that was about an half hour ago he said he'll come back and when she's 7cm she'll be put back in the bed to get ready to push"
Hana explained for me.

"Thanks ana"
Taeyong smiled then turned to me.

"Let's give them some privacy guys"
Jaehyun said.

One by one the left the room not before shouting words encouragement.

"Hey you"
I mumbled out.

He chuckled.

"Our babies are coming"
He said then smiled.

"I know so now we have this time I can share what I wanna name the babies with you"
I said.

"Let's hear them"
He said holding my hand.

"So the girl name would be lee taeyeon and the boy would be lee taeyong jr."
I said.

He stared at me before water ran from his eyes.

"Why honey why name them after me"
He said as he hung his head and sobbed.

I said patting his head.

He raised his head and looked at me.

"Five years ago I was a mere stripper trying to collect money to run from my dad and I did and thank the lord for that because I would've  never met you and then you accepted me to be your girlfriend then you married me now I'm pregnant a simple thank you wouldn't be enough so these two names are I love you so much Lee Taeyong"
I said as tears flow from my eyes.

He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you"
He smiled.

A knock was heard on the door, Taeyong shouted come in and the doctor came in with a nurse.

"Ok Mrs.Lee let's get you on the bed now"
The doctor said.

The nurse and Taeyong helped me me slowly get to the bed.

"Ok I'll check now"
The doctor said looking at taeyong.

Taeyong nodded and the doctor looked under my down gown.

"Oh my- page doctor lee she's 9cm she needs to start to push"
The doctor said.

"I h-have to push now!?"
I shouted.

"Hey hey I'm here you're gonna be ok"
Taeyong whisper in her ear.

Soon nurses came and made Taeyong but on a net on his hair and hooked me up onto the machine.

"Ok now starting pushing Mrs.Lee"


Achara starting pushing as tears came out her eyes due to the pain of her bottom being stretched.

"Ok his feet needs to come out one more push!"
Nurse shout.

"Come on baby"
Taeyong shared encouragement.

Soon cries of a baby was heard around the room the couple cried tears of joy but it wasn't over.

"Ok we're gonna do that all again ok?"
The nurse said.

And an hour later lee taeyong jr and lee taeyeon was born.

Room 215

The couple were holding their children while admiring them.

"The guys are asking if they can come in"
Taeyong spoke up.

She smiled.

Soon everyone came into the room with food.

"Hey baby mama"
Hana said smiling.

"They're adorable"
Heachan cooed.

"What are the names?"
Jaehyun asked sitting next to Taeyong.

"Lee Taeyong jr and Lee taeyeon"
Achara smiled.

Everyone smiled.

Jaehyun nudged Taeyong and smiled at him.

A week later

Achara and twins were already home and well they were actually on the hill where Taeyong proposed to achara with the twins.

"Can you believe it?"
Taeyong said.

She asked.

"That here is where our family began"
He said.

She chuckled and looked down at taeyeon in her arms she felt at peace laying her head on her husbands shoulder as they look out at the sunset.

The End💗

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