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It was Friday and achara felt like the world was crashing.

"Ok so this or this"
She asked the girls.

"I like the blue"
Hana said.

"Yeah but she has to go with a color common color because you don't know what color his suit is gonna be"
Yeoarum said picking up a black dress

"It may look basic but with your body shape it'll look amazing"
She smile

"It may look basic but with your body shape it'll look amazing"She smile

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"I look good"
Achara watch herself in the mirror.

"Look at you"

Ten said walking in looking at his sister.

"You're really grown up huh"
He smiled .

"Come on chittapon we're twins"
She shook her head.

"Still I'm proud of you and all you've done,now go get um"
He smiled teasingly.

Walking out the room she made her way to the stairs case she looked down and saw the man that she was falling in lover with Lee Taeyong.

He said looking at her.

She chuckled ad he held out his hand to help her down the last flights of stairs.

"I look that good"
She asked and smirk.

"Yes you do"
He smiled down at her with shining eyes.

"Ehhem you won't make it to your dinner if you keep staring at each other"
Yuta interrupt.

"Oh yes, shall we"
He held out his hand.

She took it and they were out the door to their dinner.

Once they pulled up to the restaurant he opened the door for her to get out.

"Welcome mr.Lee you seats are at the roof top"
They server direct them up.

"Wow rooftop"
She smile.

"That way we could see the sunset"

They got up their and it was amazing .

They got up their and it was amazing

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"Wow yong it's so beautiful"
She gasp.

"I'm glad you like it"
He smiled.

He pulled out the chair for her letting her sit and pushing it in for her.

"Bring is the menu"
Taeyong said to him .

The waiter nods then walks off.

"So achara I wanna know about you what makes you achara leechaiyapornkul"
He asked leaning back.

"Well it's my strength"
She smiled lightly.

"Physically and mentally,physically I could kick your ass"
She started.

The statement made Taeyong chuckle.

"Mentally is the things I've went through my dad,my stripper days I never wanna forget those things because those were the things that made me stronger that made me motivate myself to wanting to be better wanting to do better"
She said looking at him.

"You wanna know what I see when I look at you?"
He asked.

She asked.

Just then the waiter came with the menus.

"I'll have the sea food pasta"
Achara said after looking at the menu.

"And I'll have the medium rare steak"
Taeyong order.

"I'll be back in 30minutes"

He walked away and Taeyong turn back to her.

"I see passion I see dedication and pride you having all these things makes me look at you differently then any other woman I've met"
He said.

"Now it's your turn what makes Lee Taeyong Taeyong"
She asked.

"Well same as you my past, my parents were fighting like animals and my dad took out his gun and pointed it at her something in me said "Taeyong run"
But I didn't listen to it my house had guns laying around so I grabbed one and at just thirteen I shot a gun"
He explained sadly.

"You shot your dad.."
She said with pity.

"Yeah I did and the worst part is I ran to my mom scared and she just pushed me away and called me a monster then she left I never heard from her again"
Tears threatening to come out his eyes.

"I became a mafia boss at fourteen I lost my childhood imagine everyone calling you a monster at such a young age, and I didn't have anyone to turn to for comfort"

"That's where NCT came in I build the group to save them from shitty homes and places the jisung you see today you would never believe he was thrown onto the streets by his parents"

He smiled sadly as the tears just flowed down his cheeks.

Achara felt her tears flow too but she needed to comfort him, getting up from her seat she went over to him and hugged him.

He broke down in her embrace.

"I saved her and she just treated me like I was a nobody"
He cried.

"Hey it's gonna be ok I'm here and no one will ever make you feel like that ever because as long as you have me and I have you we're gonna be ok"
She smiled at him.

"Achara I know it's soon but I love you"
He confessed.

"I love you too"

Their lips met and shared a beautiful kiss the sunset went down as they shared their moment.

They got their dinner and talked some more about their like and dislikes, turns out achara liked fruits unlike her brother who hated them.

She also found about taeyong's scar by his eye,she told her that it looked like a rose and made his face look beautiful.

After dinner they took a trip to the ice cream shop and got icecream.

Achara shiver due to the coldness of the night.

Taeyong said.

He took off his blazer and wrap it onto her shoulders.

"Thank you"
She smiled.

11:50 pm

Achara lay in bed with Taeyong,her head rest on his chest he held her close.

They were both clean and changed into their pajamas.

"Did you have fun tonight"
He asked her.

"Yeah I did"
She smiled.

"Don't forget you have training"
He reminded her.

"How could I forget"
She chuckle.

"I hope you pass"
He said.

"Me too"

"Just know all of nct is rooting for you"
He chuckled.

"I'm touched"
She faked cried and held her chest.

"Get some sleep"
He said as he held her closer.

"Good night bubu"
She snug closer to him.

"Goodnight princess sweet dreams"
He kissed the top of her head and drift to sleep.

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