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Waking up she checked the time it was 2am she looked to her side and saw taeyong he was hugging her waist, he looked so cute unlike his intimidating Aura she fell back to sleep.


In the morning she woke up a good bit of people were already.

"Hey come for breakfast and I hope you slept well"
Her brother smirked at her.

She blushes remembering taeyong and her cuddled all night, looking at her left she saw the adorable taeyong still sleeping.

"Bubu wake up"
She Pat his head.

He grumbled and held her waist tighter.

You would never believe that these two just met yesterday.

She got up and went to the dining room and sat next to her brother. Soon everyone was there breakfast was served chocolate pancakes for breakfast.

"Hey you're coming to work with us cause I can't leave alone"
Ten said next to her.

"I'm not a child"
She sassed.

"Yes but you're dumbass"
Ten said shoving the food in his mouth.

The remark made everyone laugh and achara pouted.

"I'm kidding I just wanna show you around so you can get used to this environment"
Ten said messing with her hair.

"Yeah yeah"
She said fixing her hair and smiling.

Across the table]

"Your smile is worth millions"he smiled.

"You're staring"
Doyoung leaned towards him.

He jumped.

"Taeyong-ahh it's so obvious"
Johnny said chuckling.

"W-Whats obvious"
He asked.

"Love at first sight not many people believe in it but when I saw the way you looked at her and the way you held her last night it obvious"
Doyoung point out to him.

Taeyong said nothing but looked in front of him, there she was the light to his life a reason to wake up. She was smiling from ear to ear as she listened to kun, yang yang and chenle bicker.

"I think I-I like her"
He stuttered out.

"You don't say"
Johnny said sarcastically.

"But I just met her yesterday"
Taeyong looked at the taller male.

"So take time and bond with her get to know her better"
Doyoung advised.

"Yah! What are you four whispering about"
Ten called out.

"Um we speaking about achara and if she wanted to join the gang"
Taeyong made up a lie.

"Oh! Yeah we could talk if you want"
Achara smiled.

"Y-Yeah when we reach the office"
Taeyong stutter.

After breakfast

She went to her room to get ready to go with her brother.

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