Chapter 4

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Corey, Kenny, and Butters reached the McCormick residence about ten minutes later, and moved into Kenny's room the moment they entered it. Kenny spoke up as they walked in. 

"Sorry it's not a great house..." he apologized, to which Corey looked at him.

"Don't apologize. It's okay," they said with a sweet smile.

Kenny smiled back as Butters sat down, unzipping the parka and taking it off before handing it to Kenny. He was wearing his usual teal long sleeve, and as Kenny slipped the parka back onto himself and zipped it up, he and Corey sat down as well.

Kenny was the first to speak. "I assume you don't really have a place to stay, since you're not from here?" He questioned, to which Corey nodded. "There's not really much room here, as you can see... but we have a unit at the U-Stor-It facility that you might be able to stay in, that we use as a sort of base of operations. I assume you already know about the Freedom Pals and who we all are?"

Corey nodded once again. "You guys were at Tolkien's house before, right?"

Kenny nodded, a solemn expression now present on his face. "Yeah, but um... some things happened. There's only four of us left now," he explained.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know. I don't want to make you upset or anything," they said in apology, their voice soft. "But yeah, I can stay in the garage."

Kenny nodded toward them once again. "That sounds good. I'll let the others know you're in there, so they won't suddenly show up and think you broke in."

Butters spoke up softly, concern in his expression. "Y-you don't have a home?"

Corey shook their head. "Not here, no."

His expression was gentle as he continued. "Did ya run away? Or uh, get kicked out?" He asked.

Corey shook their head once again. "It's nothing like that, don't worry. But you wouldn't believe me if I explained," they responded.

The concern washed off of Butters face as he continued once again. "Well, uh- you can tell me if you want. I promise I'll believe you, kay?"

Kenny glanced between Butters and Corey as they explained, for the third time that day, what had happened. "Basically, I'm not from this universe, I shouldn't be here, and I have no idea how I got here or how to get home."

Butters blinked at them, thinking, before Kenny spoke up. "I have a few ideas on how you got here but it could be anything at all," he said. "I do also have a few ideas on how you could get back. They just might take some time."

Corey nodded at him, smiling. "Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help me even though you don't have to."

Kenny smiled back. "Of course. I want to help as much as possible."

"I'll try to help out as well, while I'm here," they said. 

There was silence for a moment. 

Corey spoke once again. "Tomorrow's Monday, right?" They asked, to which Kenny nodded. "Would it be possible to, um... chill at your school or something? It sounds weird, but I do need a better way to pass the time, because even six hours was too much today," they joked.

Kenny thought for a moment. "I could tell our teacher that you're coming with me because you're visiting for a while. It might be a good way to keep up with communication, as well. We can talk during school hours and come up with a plan or something," he offered.

Corey nodded quickly. "Yes, please."

"I'm sure my friends and classmates would love to meet you," he said kindly, to which Butters nodded in agreement.

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