Chapter 6

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Quick warning... very smol description of death... dunno if I needed to put this but I'm doing it anyway LOL


Corey once again tailed Kenny and Butters as they wandered outside into the cool weather. The three of them sat themselves down on the ground, backs against the wall in a more secluded area of the place, and Butters tugged some unfinished work out of his bag to complete. 

As Kenny was helping him with it, Corey glanced up and watched Craig walk over to the three of them, expression neutral. But Corey knew he didn't like them at all. They stood up as he approached, anxiously watching him stop in front of them.

"What the fuck is your deal?" He asked, a hint of aggression in his voice.

Corey looked up at him, afraid. "I- I don't have a deal?" They responded nervously. Craig towered over them.

He huffed. "How the fuck did you know about me and Tweek?" Craig questioned, stepping closer to the terrified person. Corey shuffled to the side in response, giving Kenny's backpack a harsh kick as they moved. 

Unfortunately, this caused them to lose their balance and they started to fall... until Craig caught their arm and tugged them upward onto their feet once again.

When Corey looked down, they panicked as they saw the contents of Kenny's bag spilled on the ground, including some of their clothes. Kenny reached toward the bag to try to shove it all back in, but Craig had already grabbed a hold of one of the hoodies that had come tumbling out. 

He spread it in his hands as Corey protested.

"Wait- No-" they tried, but to no avail. There had been quite a few options in the back to pick up, yet Craig managed to pick up one of the two sweatshirts that held himself and Tweek on the front, holding hands.

Corey panicked. They wanted to run, disappear into the woods and never be seen again. They covered their face with their hands once again as Craig just stared at the article he held in his hands. 

Kenny just stood up and grabbed the hoodie from him nonchalantly, leaning down and shoving it back into the bag that was now no longer spilled over on the ground.

Craig glanced down at him, then back at Corey, who'd taken their hands off their face but looked as if they'd just committed arson. Craig was at a genuine loss for words, no longer confused but now completely baffled as Kenny sat back down to continue helping Butters. 

Craig turned back to Corey. "... What the fuck?" He asked.

"I- I can explain. I swear," they responded, and Craig waited for them to continue. "..." They realized that this was getting repetitive by now. "Another time."

Craig frowned at them, annoyed. But instead of pressing the issue, he simply said, "whatever," and walked off, leaving Corey be. 

They sat down beside Kenny once again, and for the next five minutes they contemplated their existence and their reason for being here if it was only to piss people off.

Another ten minutes passed as Corey sat there, and as they glanced down they felt like something was wrong. 

Something felt off, aside from the fact that they were not where they were supposed to be. They looked around as the anxiety rose within them, much harsher than it was before. They looked around but found nothing. They came to the conclusion that maybe they were just overthinking things. 

About a minute passed, and the anxiety continued to steadily become worse. They glanced over at Kenny nervously, before realizing that now he, too, was looking around frantically. They made eye contact. 

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