Chapter 10

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 The discussion of what the crab people could be planning continued on for thirty minutes, Tweek and Jimmy having joined in about 5 minutes after Kyle had left. Their theories right now were extremely shallow and unfounded. They had absolutely no pointers to what was going to happen, aside from the fact that it would be next Monday or so when the attack happened. 

Corey listened in as they tried to come up with said theories, not really contributing to the conversation themself as they were clueless. They glanced around the courtyard, eyes settling on Craig Tucker, who leaned against the outside of the school, scrolling through his phone with a hand in his hoodie pocket.

Corey watched as he glanced in the direction of the group, and followed his gaze to, once again, Tweek Tweak. 

Except this time, Tweek looked back. 

Both of their expressions immediately shifted as their gazes met, and instantly after they both looked elsewhere, Craig moving back to his phone and Tweek listening back in to the conversation at hand. Corey noticed that Tweek's mood had shifted slightly. 

It wasn't a large change, but they noticed it. He was quieter than he was before and his expression was sadder. They saw that Craig, too, looked more upset. 

Corey's gaze moved back to the group they were standing with, their conversation dying out a bit as they all brainstormed ideas.

"We can't even come up with plans at this rate to counteract them. We have no basis on if they're going to target us first, or pick us off one by one, or try to overwhelm us later," Kenny stated, and the others nodded in solemn agreement. 

Corey decided they didn't have a purpose for being in this conversation, unable to provide any input at all. They turned and slowly made their way toward Craig, despite knowing that he probably hated the shorter's guts. They went and leaned up against the wall about a foot to the left of Craig, and he instantly glanced at them, furrowing his brows, before moving his attention back to his phone.

Corey stayed completely silent, watching the younger kids run around and tackle each other, or throw a ball around. They felt Craig look down at them occasionally, but they didn't look back. 

Finally, after about ten minutes, Craig spoke up.

"Why the fuck are you just standing there?" He asked, and the other gave a nonchalant shrug. Craig furrowed his brows and looked out at the courtyard, going silent once again.

Suddenly they asked, "are you coming to the meetup tonight?"

Craig looked down at them, annoyed, but gave a simple answer. "No."

"Why?" They asked as they finally met his gaze.

Craig glared. "Why the hell do you care?" He asked, turning his phone off and shoving it aggressively into his jacket pocket.

Corey took a breath in, having forgotten how utterly terrifying someone who's a half foot taller than you can be when they get upset. 

"I-is it because of Tweek?" They asked, instantly regretting it when, all of a sudden, the taller boy grabbed them by the collar angrily.

"What the hell is your fucking problem? It's none of your damn business!" He lashed out.

Corey laughed nervously, panic rising within them. "I-I j-just- w-we need you," they said. "P-please just answer the q-question."

Craig glared at them silently before releasing his grip on them, hands suspended where they were as they moved back slightly. Craig took in a deep breath and pocketed his hands as he responded. 

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