The waking up part 9

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Hello everyone! I glad that so many people have been saying that they enjoy my story so far. I hope this trend continues as we are beginning to get closer to the final chapters of this homeSTUCK Dave X reader. Now don't worry anyone. I still have quite a bit to get done before it's actually over so there will still be plenty to be reading. Anyways same as always. Feel free to leave comments about my story as long as they aren't extremely rude. I hope you all enjoy (*~*)-> Now, on with the story...

The past few nights have been total hell. I've had the grand total of probably 3 hours of sleep and absolutely zero free time from the thoughts that have tormented my brain for weeks now, maybe even a month. I can't help but practice my fighting skills non-stop. I have achieved many goals that I had pre set for myself in terms of fighting and throwing of knives. I can hit a bullseye from 30 yards away and I have become more advanced in my fighting than originally expected.

Dave has really been encouraging me to continue to get stronger and to push myself as hard as possible each and every day during practice. I sit in the kitchen and ponder over my techniques as Dave walks in and stands on the opposite side of the island that I am leaning against.

"You've been lost in thought a lot lately and you haven't been getting much sleep at all are you okay (F/N)?" asked Dave for the third time this week. "Yes, I am just focused on my training that's all." I reply hoping he will believe me and leave the topic alone.

Dave has a somber look on his face as he walks over to the refrigerator to grab some apple juice out. "Dang it." says Dave harshly. I glance over to see what was the matter when I notice that the fridge has no apple juice in it at all. "We are all out of apple juice." Dave states matter-of-factly ((did I even spell that right oh well >~<)). I laugh faintly and say "wow great deduction Sherlock." very sarcastically. Dave sticks his tongue out at me and squeezes his eyes shut.

Next, Dave walks over to me and pulls me close to his chest. I look up into his sunglasses and then he kisses me gently. I try my hardest not to blush but the blood refuses to listen, and it slowly rises into my cheeks as the kiss grows deeper and more passionate.

Dave and I stop for air and then he laughs breathlessly. I glare at him and say, "what the heck are you laughing at jerk?" He stops laughing and says, "nothing I just haven't kissed you in forever." he stares down at me as I take in what he just said. "then you should kiss me more often." I reply as I slip out of his arms and wander off playfully.

Dave smirks and says, "oh come on (F/N) where are you going?" I just smile and look away from him as I keep walking. I head up the stairs and back into his room. Dave is shortly behind me and I sit down in his rolling chair beside his computer.

Dave walks up to the chair and stands over me as I look up into the dark black of his shades. "I can see myself in the reflection of your shades." Dave then chuckles as he slips the sunglasses off his face. His deep red eyes gleam in the low light of the room.

I giggle as he leans down and takes my chin into his hand. He raises my face until it's level with his. Then he kisses me again. I smile against his lips and he leans down further towards the chair, and me, the kiss deepens as he begins to pull me up out of the chair.

Shortly after I find myself with my back pressed against the wall next to the door to his bedroom. Dave locks his door so that no one can interrupt us. We kiss for a while before we have to catch our breathe yet again. We both smile happily as the thoughts of death and innocent friends being murdered before my very eyes leaves me in the vacancy of my cranium, now filled with the complete joy brought upon myself by none other than Dave.

The end~ ((for now anyways)) sorry everyone for taking forever to update I know I am taking a long time and I will try to come up with a better schedule for writing my fanfics and doing school work. Hopefully, I will be able to update more soon considering that school will be let out soon for Summer... Anyways thanks everyone and hopefully I will update soon. :3

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