The waking up part 10

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Hello everyone I am back and ready for my new part of homeSTUCK to be out I hope everyone enjoys. Also I appreciate any comments posted as long as no comments are plain rude and not intended to actually help progress the story. I enjoy any comments complimenting my story or helping to change or add something missing or wrong with the story. Anyways thanks everyone :) now on with the story...

Just so you know: (F/f) = favorite food

We kiss for a while before we have to catch our breathe yet again. We both smile happily as the thoughts of death and innocent friends being murdered before my very eyes leaves me in the vacancy of my cranium, now filled with the complete joy brought upon myself by none other than Dave...

~time skip brought to you by awkwardness~

I slowly open my eyes after the first night of restful sleep in a long time. I glance at the clock and notice that it's mid day and that Dave is no longer in the room. I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes.

Dave walks back in the room already fully dressed and on his phone with an apple juice in hand and his headphones on. I get out of the bed and grab a pair of new clothes. Dave doesn't seem to notice me at all considering how intranced he was with the screen in front of him.

I scurry to the bathroom and get dressed then I brush my teeth and walk out to see him still on his phone. He glances up and notices me. "sleep well?" He asked, I nod and walk over. then I ask, "what're you up to on your phone?" He tilts the screen towards me and shows the game that he was playing.

I giggle and ask about his progress so far. He frowns slightly as he says, "I haven't been able to beat this one level and I've been playing ever since I woke up this morning." "That stinks." I say in reply. He just nods and starts the round over.

After a while of watching him try to beat the level he was playing I decide to head into the kitchen for some food. As I walk to the kitchen I see John sitting at the bar stool eating some cereal. "eating cereal for lunch eh?" I ask teasingly. He simply smiles and replies, "hey cereal is delicious no matter what time it is. Besides aren't you the one who slept until now?" Then he laughs at the joke he made. I smile and say, "touché." then sit down next to him.

We talk for a while and before I know it I forget about getting food or something to drink completely. I am only reminded when my stomach growls. "hungry?" Asks John, I nod. He hops up and walks over to the refrigerator starts pulling out (f/f). You smile as he prepares in and then puts it on two plates.

John then walks over and set a plate of it in front of me, I immediately begin to eat after thanking him. He smiles and begins to eat as well.

~mini time skip brought to you by dancing Apple juice~

Another blade sinks into the heart of my target as I quickly throw my last knife into the one that pops up out of the ground behind me. These targets were made to test all of my skills at once. Not only my throwing skills but also my reaction time and stamina. Dirk designed this course just for me and he did a wonderful job to make it both challenging and heart pounding.

I run and jump over a concrete barrier and turn around, releasing my knife as I do so, just in time to hit the next target that popped up from the ground. I smile knowing that I have hit all my targets for the first time ever; but then I remember the targets will rotate around the good sized arena and reset for tomorrow. Everything will have changed yet again.

I sigh with exasperation and then stand up, wiping sweat from my brow. I then walk back into the small room next to the arena and put up my weapons and knives. I am content with yet another days practice completed...

HomeSTUCK (Dave x reader)Where stories live. Discover now