Flush crush?(the waking up part 3)

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A/n: this is the third part to this story if you haven't read the first two parts please do so you understand what's going on... Also sorry if there are any mistakes.. Please don't be rude in the comments:) now on with the story!!!

You've been in the land of homestuck for three days now and no one has yet found out yet that your here other than Dave, karkat, and jade. Also the past two nights you've had horrible nightmares but Dave has woken you up from them and then you guys have had apple juice in the kitchen together.

You've grown used to this routine by now but you can tell Dave is worried about you and all these nightmares. In fact last night he woke you up three times because of how many times you got them. Now snapping out of your thoughts and back into reality you realize Dave is trying to get your attention.

Yes Dave I'm sorry I was lost in thought. Dave: oh I was starting to wonder what you were thinking about after I figured out you weren't paying attention. Ohh... Right I'm sorry Dave I just... Wasn't focusing i will now though. He just nods and then asks you of you want to hear some of his raps. You smile remembering the first time you heard his raps while watching homestuck. They were great memories. Finally you reply with... I thought you would never ask. He smiles and then gets up to go get his computer and beats headphones.

Once he came back and sat down he handed you the headphones and started to get the rap music on his computer opened up.

As you listened you zoned out yet again but this time it wasn't out of boredom this time you let your mind drift as you listened to Dave's "sick beats". Finally Dave looked back to you and said are my raps good and laughed. You just smiled and he asked for the headphones back so that you two could talk.

You gladly took them off and handed them back. You guys talked about his raps for a bit when karkat came in the room looking as upset as always.karkat: AHH LOOK AT THE TWO LOVERS... ITS DISGUSTING, DAVE HIDE HER OR AT LEAST STOP TALKING FOR A BIT EVERYONE IS IN THE LIVING ROOM AND THEY CANT KNOW SHE IS HERE. You both nod and Dave takes you into the closet and shuts the door.

You can barely see Dave in the darkness of the closet but you can faintly make out a smile on his face. You can't help but just think of how cute he is when he smiles. He glances over at you and then readjusts his seating in the cramped space but when he moved it only seemed like he got closer to you. You feel yourself blush but are sure that he can't see it in the dim lighting. You don't know why this makes you blush so much but it just does. As Dave unconsciously moved closer your heart beats faster and faster.

Wait this can't be happening... You begin to realize that you f/n l/n might just have a flush crush on Dave. As you ponder this theory you finally decide that it's the truth you find yourself thinking more and more about this topic until Dave moves away from you and opens the door to let both of you out. You look at Dave to see his hand extended to help you up. You smile and gladly take his hand and hop up.

After a while it's time to go to bed. As you hop on the bed Dave comes running into the room and catapults himself on the the bed knocking you over he laughs and half heartedly apologizes. Laughing you lightly punch his arm. He smiles and slides off of the bed. Inside you are honestly disappointed that he left but then you remember that he doesn't know that you like him and more than likely he doesn't like you back anyway. You two say goodnight after a little bit of talking about random stuff.

~Later that night~

You wake up screaming into Dave's arms you quickly quiet your screams so that no one else hears and glance up at his face. He pets your head and then does something unexpected... He lays down bring you with him. You were wrapped up in Dave's arms but before you can ask why he laid down he tells you to try and fall asleep and that he wouldn't leave your side until morning. You internally freak out but all he sees is you smile and maybe a little bit of a blush.

Sure enough he kept his promise you woke up next to Dave and his arms were still wrapped around you. He looks so peaceful. Also you notice that they weren't kidding when they said he NEVER took off his shades. Although you don't know why you haven't gotten to the act that tells you why yet. As you stare at his shades he begins to slowly wake up. You smile but quickly look away and pretend to be asleep to avoid the awkwardness that was sure to come.

Dave: ugh she's still asleep but at least she didn't have anymore nightmares... You internally smile at the thought that he was kind enough to stay and make sure you weren't having more nightmares. He sighs then Dave: come on f/n I know your awake I saw you looking at my awesome shades. You sigh and say with puppy dog eyes awe what gave it away... Then you smile in hopes to avoid the awkwardness.

He laughs and then asks SOOO f/n do you want to see my eyes or were you just being all cute like that for no particular reason? You blush and ask your serious you'd let me see them??? Dave: no, i don't want anyone to see them but nice try! You feel a bit disappointed at the revelation but try not to show it instead you say so does that mean you were joking the whole time. Dave: no I meant what I said just not the part about my eyes why?? You smile and say noo reason...

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