Chapter 10

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Hello to the readers from India!

The hot water relaxed Aiko's muscles that were tense from the day's events. Everything had started out fine and then took a turn for the worst- the worst being brain dumping her desires onto Aizawa. Now how did she look? Desperate. Horny. Desperately horny. Aiko sighed and looked down at the water running down the drain. She was done with her shower routine and she needed to get out. Aizawa would be here soon. But she procrastinated a little longer, thinking back to All Might. She couldn't believe that she had once idolized him. Sure he was still super attractive and knew just the right ways to tease her but getting involved with one coworker was already bad enough. Juggling two who just so happened to be fighting over her was even worse. And his behavior today was deplorable. Who did he think he was? Aiko sighed and got out of the shower, her skin prickling when the cold air hit it. She toweled off and began to blow dry her hair. Once it was dry, she walked out of the bathroom just in time to see Oberon vanish through his cat door in the window. Fucking cat. She was still mad at him for cozying up to Aizawa instead of greeting her when she returned from the hospital. Aiko changed into a pair of red silk pajamas and grinned at her appearance in the mirror. The shorts were just short enough to drive Aizawa wild and it was what he deserved for teasing her. She was absentmindedly sipping water when the knock sounded at her door. She knew who it was but that didn't stop her nerves from rearing their ugly heads. There was a lot that they needed to talk about before anything happened so she chose to focus on that. Pulling open the door, Aiko looked up at Aizawa's small smile. He took in her appearance with hunger and walked inside. 

"Did you wear that for me, kitten? You really shouldn't have." He turned to face her as she was closing the door, flashing her a wild grin. Aiko felt a tightness in her core that she tried to ignore. 

"Please sit anywhere you like. Do you want tea?" She walked to the kitchen and turned on the electric kettle, careful to avoid his gaze. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? It was just meaningless sex, not a date, but she stupidly offered him tea. Who does that? While Aiko had an internal breakdown, Aizawa watched her in fascination. He could tell she was nervous and didn't know how to begin this interaction so he decided to take the reins. Walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, he whispered lightly in her ear.

"You look amazing in this set, kitten," he purred. Aiko turned around in his grasp and looked at him with a blush. She didn't know how to respond so she kissed him. It was light at first as if both of them were waiting for the cue to speed things up. Aizawa lightly bit down on Aiko's bottom lip and her soft moan was all he needed to turn up the heat. His tongue danced in her mouth and brushed lightly against hers. He brought his hand up to where it belonged around her neck and lightly increased the pressure while deepening their kiss. This left Aiko breathless and as expected, she pulled away and Aizawa took in the sight of her blushing face. Oh, the things he would do to darken that blush, he thought. Aiko watched Aizawa hungrily as he began to slowly unbutton her pajama top. He took his time, knowing that she was growing impatient, and kissed his way down her body as the shirt fell away to expose her chest. He was looking at her as if she was a piece of art and she turned her head away from him, suddenly embarrassed. He noticed immediately and pinched her nipple, causing her to gasp and look back at him. Aizawa chuckled and grinned at her. "I enjoy seeing you blush. Don't hide your face from me." He punctuated his command with a kiss and ran his hands down her body, cupping her ass and lifting her onto the counter of her kitchen island. Aizawa moved his kisses down her neck stopping to nip and tug at her skin. He was planning on marking her for everyone to see. All Might would know one way or another that she was his. Aiko could sense his intention and pushed his head away, meeting his angry gaze.

"Not where anyone can see." She was quick to finish before Aizawa could interrupt. "I give you free rein to mark up the areas that are covered by my clothes." This seemed to pacify him and he brought his fire down to Aiko's chest. Her tits are perfect, Aizawa thought. He caught her nipple in his mouth and sucked at it eagerly, enjoying the breathy moans that escaped Aiko as she tried to keep her composure. He used his fingers to tweak her other nipple and held her down as she wiggled. When he was satisfied with his attack on her breasts, he lightly pushed Aiko back down against the countertop and began to trace his fingers along the waistband of her shorts. Aiko sucked in a breath and shivered at his light touch, eager for him to rub against her heat. He wasn't about to give in so easily. He wanted her to beg. 

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