Chapter 75: Returning the miraculous and dinnertime

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In the alley, Ladybug and Black Viper take and knee and stand back up.

Black Viper: Sass, Plagg, divide! *He submerged and Sass hover next to Black Panther, he handed the miraculous back to Ladybug.*

Black Panther: Claws in! *He de-transforms and Plagg hovers next to Luka, he feeds him a marshmallow.*

Plagg: Thank you. *Soon, Ladybug's earring beeped to the second dot.*

Ladybug: I better go.

Luka: Wait. You're going to the Cinema tonight?

Ladybug: Yeah. You?

Luka: Yeah. I'll see you then.

Ladybug: You too. *She flies off, Plagg goes into Luka's jacket pocket, and Luka walked out of the alley.*

In Master Fu's house, Marinette handed Master Fu the Snake Miraculous back.

Master Fu: Thank you, Marinette. I suppose Luka has submerged his Black Cat with the Snake miraculous like before?

Marinette: Yes, he has, Master.

Master Fu: Good. And I suppose the fight with Violina was another tough one?

Marinette: Yes, it was. But we managed to beat her.

Master Fu: Good.

Marinette: See you later, Master.

Master Fu: Goodbye, Marinette. *Marinette walks out and heads home. In Roxy's house, Roxy sighed and lay on her bed, Cristy hovered next to Roxy.*

Roxy: I did it, Cristy. I got my Enchantix power.

Cristy: I saw. But what made you become in Enchantix mode when you were fighting off Violina?

Roxy: I don't know. It was probably just a rush from it. I'm wondering how it happened if I didn't save anyone from my world.

Cristy: I'm sure Master Fu would know about that. Probably talk to him tomorrow.

Roxy: Let's hope he knows what's going on. *Soon, the door knocked, Cristy looked at the door.* Come in. *The door opened, it was Morgana.* Mom?

Morgana: Hey, honey. Need a ride to the cinema?

Roxy: Yeah.

Morgana: Okay. Let's go. *She walked out of the room, Roxy stands up and walk to the doorway, Cristy disappeared, and Roxy walked out of her room.*

Roxy: (Hopefully there won't be any more villains fighting tonight.)

Outside of the Ice Rink Arena, the others were walking, as Lila was walking in shame and embarrassment, Adrien stopped and watched her.

Adrien: Lila? You okay?

Lila: Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm okay. Why do you ask?

Adrien: Well from ice skating, you... y'know.

Lila: What?

Adrien: Can't say it or you might get embarrassed by it.

Lila: You can tell me. What is it? *Adrien breathes in and out once.*

Adrien: (I'm going to regret saying it.) Your shorts ripped. *Lila gasped.* (I knew I shouldn't have said that.)

Lila: (Quick keep it low K. Act like it doesn't affect you.) Oh, that? It's no big deal.

Adrien: You sure?

Lila: Ye-yeah. Stuff like this could happen to anybody. I was suffering from memory loss forgetting how to ice skate, that's probably it.

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