36.) Tritanopia

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Wow...TWO new fandoms in less than a week...something must be wrong with me 😅

Now most, if not ALL of you know I love a good romance but there's actually another theme that I love more than romance and that's father/child adoption stories!

Bonus points if the father figure is unconventional grumpy bastard who has fatherhood thrust upon them...and no-one fits the bill more than the tin-can dad himself MANDO!

and no-one fits the bill more than the tin-can dad himself MANDO!

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Baby Yoda's cuteness is eternal...and yes he is hugging her arm 🥰

And the sweetie next to him is called Fae!

Fae is a character written by the talented bland_flakes from the awesome story Tritanopia, where our resident grump saves not one but TWO mystery children with bounty's on their head!

The amount of sass Fae has could power the Death Star, I love her and I love this book! So as my saying goes go spread the love, likes, votes and follow the author, they deserve it!

For those of you who don't know Tritanopia is a variation of colour blindness where people find it hard to distinguish between yellow and blue so I decided to base the colours on this type of colour blindness, so the colours in the art is how a person with Tritanopia sees the world!

This was fun idea, it was like using a colour palette!

Now this is slightly simple compared to my other art but that's because I had two concepts and I couldn't decide between them so I thought...why not both...both is good so here's the other concept, enjoy!

both is good so here's the other concept, enjoy!

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Daww...Papa Mando checking in on his clan! 💖💖💖

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