5.) Juno & Castiel

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Hello to all my fellow Supernatural fans and new followers!

For those who find it hard to read my writing here's a transcript (I swear to god it changes every time I write something new, I'd like to see a specialist try and figure me out)

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For those who find it hard to read my writing here's a transcript (I swear to god it changes every time I write something new, I'd like to see a specialist try and figure me out)

Dean: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Juno: I'm Joan of Arc. I figured we had a lot in common, seeing as how I was almost burned at the stake. Plus she had a close relationship with God

Dean: And you are...?

*Castiel moves his trench coat to the side to reveal a sticker that says 'Hello my name is God'*

Castiel:...I don't understand this reference

Oh. My. God...WHY CAN'T I DRAW MEN?!? 😱 I mean yeah women fine, all lovely and curvy and beautiful but men? they prove a challenge to this day...well that and hands (the bane of the existence of every drawer) 😡

Cas baby I'm so sorry I did you dirty like that! 😭 (he looks like one of those bulgy eyed fish, TRUST ME THO the previous sketch was worse)

I know it doesn't fit exactly but I just HAD to draw this I mean how could I not? they would totally make Castiel do this, I will fight anyone who disagrees, prepare to have your kneecaps bruised if you do! 😌

Does anyone know the reference? 🤔

Tell ya what, the first person who gets it I'll do a 'draw the squad' for them with their chosen squad, fandom and characters just...please be kind and pick one I'm in tho 🙏, I wouldn't be able to do it justice otherwise (you can look at all the stories I follow).

This is Juno from peterparker02 also known as stark-holland-96 and their Castiel x OC story Warrior (which also has a sequel called Weeper) their amazing, their story is amazing so please go and give them some much-deserved love! 💕

Also, am I the only one who thinks its CRIMINAL that there are so few Castiel x OC stories out there?

Yeah I know a lot of this fandom likes Destiel, I do too but I'm kinda in that weird place where I like the idea and concept but I rarely find it done the way that I'd like (no offence meant to authors who write and people who ship them, it's just my picky ass), also there are loads of Dean x OC fics so that no excuse really.

I know there are quite a few of Castiel x Reader but my brain reads (Y/N) as Ya-nee and I just can't take myself seriously when I do that 🤣🤦‍♀️

📚Random Trivia of the day📚

In 1969 the bathroom company called The American Standard created a musical called 'The Bathrooms are Coming' as a way to advertise their wares and company? 

You can still find the soundtrack online

This was a popular trend during the 1950s to the 1980s where companies would produce industrial musicals as a form of advertisement.

I'd like to see someone go to an audition with one of their songs 🤣

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