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"Can someone replace me to go food tasting with Mr. Martins later?!'' I shout in the office from my swivel chair as I check the upcoming orders of decors and materials.

"No!" They all screamed in unison.

"But y'all get to go food tasting and there's cake!" I screamed again.

You know, when you're all too lazy to just walk to them, so you scream while you communicate in one place.

"Still a no!" I rolled my eyes.

It has been two days since Grayson hasn't shown himself here in our office, which is a record for him because he was always around.

Today, I won't be staying in the office. I have to drive to that lake place and get it reserved for the anniversary party. Then after that, I arranged with a catering service to have a food tasting today, as well as cake tasting from a bakery that was owned by a close friend. And if there's still time, we have to go check on the centerpieces.

I puffed out a breath, pushing my chair away from my desk.

I refuse to go alone today with him!

I know I probably being childish and there's no way around it, but I really don't want to. But it's my job and I have to suck it up.

The heels on my sandals clicked on the white tiles as I make my way through the office.

"Harley, please." I tried to make puppy eyes at her as I leaned against the door frame. "Can you go out today? For me, please?" I even pouted my lips. "I'll do whatever work you have there."

"Sorry, babes, not today." She gave me a mocking sympathetic look. "I've got some important work to do that I need to do myself."

I frowned.

This is all his fault! If Grayson hadn't come here all the time and always brought food and gave it to me the first thing he does when he's here, I wouldn't have teammates thinking he had interest in me.

But what if he does?

I made a face of disgust thinking about it. Yeah, let's not forget about what he said during prom night. I just can't help but roll my eyes when I remember that moment.

Grayson, without fail, messages me every day ever since he had my number. You would think that it's probably about how the event is going, yes but no. He does ask one question about the planning before he proceeds to ask about my day and whatnot. I ignored those and focused on my work. I'm not letting those few messages from him distract me from my life routine.

Absolutely no one wants to go take my place at the food tasting. I groaned loudly. Left with no choice, I went back to my desk and grabbed my bag so I can just go on my merry way.

I was about to exit our office when I heard Keiko calling my name.

"I'll accompany you instead." She said as she quickly grabbed a few things before running to me.

I beamed. "From now on, you're my most favorite person in this room." I said out loud for everyone to hear. "I'll treat you with bubble tea later at your favorite store."

The both of us walked our way to the parking lot beside our building. As we made our way to my car, a white SUV was suddenly beside us matching our walking speed. One of the windows rolled down and I was surprised with a pair of blue eyes greeting me.

"Good morning," He said with a smile. "I assume that you'll be going to the location for the party to get it reserved. Why don't you two hop in and I can drive our way there?"

I grabbed Keiko's arm as I tried to walk away. "Thank you for the offer, Mr. Martins, but it is not needed. We will use my car instead. So bye!"

"But Maureen, weren't you just complaining a while ago about how you need to save gas because the prices are going high?" Keiko interjected.

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