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I tackled Janette into a bear hug right as she opened the door to her new place.

"I love your new apartment!" I squealed before pulling away and looked around.

After her graduation, Janette went on a trip with her med school friends then flew back home to set up her place and get it done before she started her internship in a nearby hospital.

"You are an absolute angel for suggesting this place to me." Janette said as we threw ourselves on the couch.

I shrugged. "Oh, I know. It's only a few minutes drive to my house and a walking distance to the hospital."

"I'm so nervous for my first day of internship." She groaned. "Like what if I fuck it up?"

"You're going to be fine." I assured her, grabbing her hand and shaking it. "It's not like you're gonna kill a patient on your first day or something."

"You'll never know how hard it is to be a woman in STEM."

"I do know, that's why I stayed away from anything that relates to it."

She continued to talk about her worries and I listened while I transferred the food I brought to bowls and plates. I was the first official person to visit her fully decorated home. Janette asked me to help her plan for a little house warming party.

"I called Malcolm to come over, but he said he had plans." She grumbled.

I chuckled. "He's probably busy making plans with his boyfriend."

"Holy shit! No way, he's got a boyfriend?!"

I nodded my head. "He didn't even tell me. I accidentally found out when we were on video chat."

Janette's face was filled with disbelief. "Speaking of boyfriends, what's up with you?"

"Me?" I pointed at myself. "Nothing is up with me."

"Bitch, don't fucking lie to me because I know something is definitely up." She surmised. "I bet my non-existent million dollars that you already hooked up with Grayson whatever his middle name is Martins. Did you finally get that dick? "

"His middle name is Luke." I said meekly, avoiding her stare and started to play with the food on my plate. "And I wouldn't say we hooked up, we didn't go that far."

Janette let out a deafening shriek, standing up from her seat to come run to me and smacked me across the room. "Oh my gosh, and you haven't told me this because?!"

I filled her in with everything that happened between us. I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to finish talking because she keeps interrupting me with her shrieks and screams and opinions.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She moved her wrist back and forth. "He brought you to Catalina fucking Island for a date on a fucking plane that he flew himself."

I nodded my head. "That was pretty much it that day."

She puffed out a breath. "Damn, I need to get myself a sugar daddy that will fly me to places."

"Knock yourself out, Janette." I laughed. "But if you do get one, don't forget to bring me to Europe for a holiday."

"Shut up, you already have your Grayson." She smacked me on the arm.

"He is not mine." I insisted.

"Yeah, okay, sure." She only rolled her eyes at me. My phone vibrated and I took a look at it and Janette looked over my shoulder to see. Grayson sent a text. "Speaking of the devil,"

I leaned away from Janette while reading the text, laughing.

From: Grayson Martins

It would have been better if you were here. I'm fucking miserable here, but the champagne they're serving is divine.

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