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We pulled away from the kiss.

My hand immediately shoots up to touch my lips. I can still feel the lingering touch of his lips on mine. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do after what just happened.

All that I can think of now is that I just kissed Grayson. Accidentally. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that thought. I couldn't tell much how I felt about it since it was only a short peck on the lips.

Why do I have the urge to go kiss him again— Unholy thoughts be gone!

Grayson was furiously blinking his eyes out. The puppy had wiggled her way out of my hold and left the two of us to face what just happened.

"W-We should go check on the kids." I stammered before half walking, half running out of that shed into the house.

Right behind me, I can hear him hollering my name out but I pay it no mind. Just great, things between us will be awkward from now on!

I ran my hands on my face, letting out a frustrated groan. I should have not gone here today. I should have stayed at home sleeping right now instead.

The rest of the night, I was doing my best avoiding him but then I forgot that he still has to drive me home. So there I was sitting tensely on the front seat. I was badly fidgeting with my hair and finger the whole way home.

"Thanks for the ride." I awkwardly said, giving him a tight smile.

He licked his lips before replying, "No problem."

I nodded, still stayed put in the seat of his car. I don't know what I was waiting for to get out.

"Uhm, do you want to... talk about it?" I initiated. "You know... the kiss."

"That seems more of a question for you." Grayson remarked. "Are you willing to talk about it because I'm down?"

I shrugged. "I guess so. It will clear the air between us."

"I really don't want things to be awkward or uncomfortable anymore."

"We can blame the puppy for it." I joked.

He laughed softly, resting against his side of the car. "I mean, it would be unfair for her since she's still a puppy. But she might get mad that we blamed her."

"She won't know, it would be our little secret."

"There's nothing that a few dog treats wouldn't fix." He beamed.

"I think she would like that very much." I chuckled, looking down on my lap.

Silence dawns on us again, but now it was comforting. Being with him inside this car was pleasant. It made me want to stay longer even if we did nothing.

I had a small realization that I feel safe and comfortable with him even if things have obviously changed and we grew up, but maybe the people that we used to be have been brought up to the surface again ever since fate decided to intertwine our lives again.

Maybe it's because I have known him for a long time and we have seen each other through different phases during our younger years, plus the fact that we were in a relationship.

"So we're good, right?" Grayson asked.

"We're great." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it."

"Oh, I wasn't worried at all." He grinned like the devil. "Should we have a rerun again but longer this time?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and he was even trying to pucker his lips.

I punched him on the arm. "Don't push it, Grayson."

"And you still don't know how to throw a punch." He mocked, backing away from me. "I just wanted a good night kiss."

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