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I couldn't sleep peacefully later that night.

I was tossing and turning around my bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in but failed. When I tried closing my eyes, his words echo in my head like some broken record that keeps on replaying a tune over and over.

I just don't think those words were... true. Well, there's this saying that a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. But how could he? It's been so long since our relationship ended. How can he still say that he loves me, drunkenly, after all these years? For sure he's bluffing over that.

It's impossible to fathom that he still has those feelings for me. For God's sake, we were in high school! Feelings from those years don't last for that long. I mean, sure, there's people who end up with their high school sweethearts, but that's a very rare thing to experience.

And then there's the things his friends said about him not dating at all. Now, that right there is hard to believe that he didn't date or had a girlfriend during college and the years that followed. Surely you can't pin over someone for that long?

Frustrated, I ripped off my blanket and grabbed my iPad and decided to finish a book I'm currently reading to distract myself until I fall asleep. Ended up finishing the whole book I was reading but that didn't work, so I ended up watching YouTube videos until almost two in the morning.

I woke up around nine. I wasn't feeling hungover since I only had one drink last night. I did my usual morning routine and freshened up before I went out of my room to go check on Grayson.

To my findings, he was still asleep which wasn't a surprise to me knowing that he was never a morning person. I kept the curtains in the living room closed so the sun won't be on his face. I decided to cook some brunch for myself and made some pancakes and bacon. I cooked a plate for Grayson, too, and put aside for him to eat later along with some medicine to cure his hangover.

That man really had to get drunk last night.

Since there wasn't much left to do, I plopped myself on the living room floor and did some work related things. I sometimes find myself working faster when I sit on the floor. Right after I sent the last few of my emails, I heard some shuffling and noises behind me.

"What the fuck happened?" Grayson groaned loudly.

I turned my head around. "Well, good morn- no, noon to you, too."

"Maureen?" His eyes finally opened.

"The one and only." I answered before getting up and went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and some pain reliever.

When I got back, he was already sitting up on my couch looking confused as hell. I gave him the glass and medicine and he gratefully took it.

"You were such an ass to take care of drunk," I began, my hands were now on my hips. "What on earth possessed you to get drunk last night?"

He ran a hand over his face a couple of times. "I really don't know. Maybe because you were talking to me like you didn't want to run me over or I just wanted to drown myself in alcohol for no reason."

"You're lucky your friend was able to drop us off last night to my house."

"We're in your house?" He started looking around the place. "Huh, I think I remember saying something about that last night."

I rolled my eyes and let out a humorless laugh.

"Oh my God, did I do something stupid last night?!" He suddenly asked hysterically. "No, don't answer that question because I know I probably did."

We love a self-aware person!

"We'll talk about that later, but first, you gotta eat." I said, shaking my head. "Do you want coffee?"

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