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"What the hell did you do to me, Grayson?" I hissed at him as I tried to pee, but I was too sore.

This morning when we woke up, I almost couldn't walk and the area between my legs was too sore. I was practically limping on the way to the bathroom until Grayson picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Brought you to heaven and back twice." He said with a proud smile like it was some kind of accomplishment.

Okay, maybe it was, but don't tell him that.

He was by his bathtub, filling it up with water and sprinkling bath salts in it that he surprisingly owns. The bath was really relaxing though and we stayed there until our fingers were all wrinkly before getting out to change.

Grayson made us breakfast. Well ordered us breakfast really. This man doesn't have anything stocked in his fridge except for coffee creamer and water.

"What are your plans for the week?" Grayson asked, pushing my hair behind my ears then caressing the crown of my head.

While waiting for the food to arrive, the two of us were laying on his couch with me on top of him, his hands firmly placed on my ass.

"The usual, busy with work." I half-shrugged. I was tracing the shape of his lips with my finger. "I have a potluck dinner tomorrow at work, so I have to buy some stuff and you, too. How can you survive here without food?" I scolded him.

He pouted his lips like a child. "I eat at my parents' house or during meetings. Sometimes mom drops off some groceries."

I gave him a are-you-kidding-me look. "Why do you even own an apartment if you just go home to your parents' house all the time? I mean, you basically see your dad every day at work anyway, so why move out?"

He looked up for a moment like he was actually thinking for a reason why, but then shook his head. "I don't know, but you do have a point. It's nice having my own place, but I also miss home."

I get what he was saying. I myself miss living with my family all in one house every once in a while, but it is nice that to have a place of your own. My mom didn't like me moving out at all, but I had to because I needed to be closer to work. So I had to make it up to her by going to their house on my days off, but I might have ruined my streak because I spend my extra free time with Grayson.

"I just remembered that I also have a family dinner the day after and I'm in charge of bringing the fruits. You're going grocery shopping with me before you drive me home, no negotiation." I declared. "Also because I'm running low on rice and I need you to carry the sack of rice for me." I sweetly smiled at him.

"Okay, fine. Since you need me, I'll be there." He grumbled then pressed a kiss to my brow.

I patted his head. "Good boy."

"I feel like a dog."

"Which breed of dog?" I asked jokingly.

He huffed an annoyed breath.

"I'm thinking a pit bull because of your blue eyes-" I stopped talking when I suddenly felt a lick on my cheek. I stared at him in shock with my mouth gaping open.

Grayson grinned slyly.

* * *

I walked Grayson out of my house, still not over the fact he did that to me. I stared at him blankly as we walked to his car and stood on the sidewalk.

The corners of his lips curl up, amusement showed in his eyes. I crossed my arms, looking him up and down.

"Okay, bye now." I waved my fingers.

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