Ch 1. Beaked man

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The sun hid behind the gray clouds that stretched for miles and miles, the sun hasn't been out in days making it hard to tell time without a watch. The night was even worse, the clouds would make it even darker when the moon was up making it almost impossible to see without a lantern. No one would want to be out at this time, especially with the plague.

But not Wolfgang, Wolfey was happily riding around on his stunning brown steed, Magnolia, whom he named after his mother's favorite flower.

Wolfgang was part of the guild called Physicians of The Crow one of the most secretive guilds in the medical industry, and the guild that produced plague doctors. But just because they were secretive doesn't mean they weren't respected, Physicians of The Crow were right next to the Physicians of The Dove which produced magic-wielding clerics when it came to respect in the medical industry.

And after graduating from medical school and joining the Physicians of The Crow (which took quite a long time, I must say) he immediately set off on his journey in wandering the world, seeking illness. And illness he got.


The sound of Magnolia's hooves almost echoed in the quiet forest, not even a bird or squirrel was out right now, which makes sense, who would want to be?

Wolfey eventually found himself following a dirt path that led to a village, but not a village that he had ever seen on any of his maps before.

They must be some secretive people he thought, wandering into the village.

Much like the forest, the village was also quiet, but this time the silence unsettled him. Every door was closed and there weren't any people around which made him assume the worst, was it ransacked? No, couldn't be, there weren't any broken windows or houses so that couldn't be the reason. Maybe they left? No, he could still see possessions inside some of the houses.

But it wasn't until he got deeper into the village that he started suspecting something even worse. The windows to the houses were broken, doors broken down, and. . . red stains on some surfaces.

"My, this place has certainly seen somethings" he joked, but more in a trying-to-break-the-bad-vibes joke.

The site he saw when he finally got to the center of the village where the well resided made him gasp in surprise and horror. 

In the center of the village, where bodies. Corpses lying against houses and draped along the floor with blood splatter on their heads and hands, and injures covering them from head to toe. Most of which were bite and claw marks. 

Wolfey dismounted from his horse and tied her to a small post, then began investigating the corpses. Opening their eyes, examining their hands, the bite and claw marks. He had definitely seen this before.

Agriozootose, better known as wild animal syndrome, and known now as the Feral Plague, is a disease that starts off physical and gradually turns into mental that turns the infected slowly into an anthropomorphic animal. 

The first sign of Agriozootose is the rapid growth in one's finger and toenails, then the sharpening of the teeth, then the infected's pupils becoming slits, then finally, the infected's mind would slowly start to act like some kind of animal with the most common cases being wolf or bear.

Wolfey sighed

they must have all contracted it, then spread it amongst themselves he thought, rising from his spot on the ground.

He dusted off his black skirt and cloak and was about to go back to his horse when he saw something out of the corner of his masks' eye, was that hair he saw?

He went to the other side of the well and that's where he saw her, the child.

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