Ch 3. Little lion

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The next morning after putting on his robes, leather beaked mask, cloak, tool belt, wide-brimmed hat, and freshly polished cross, he descended down the stairs to be met by the child holding a shovel and her lion doll.

"Ah, right, I did say I would help you, didn't I?"

The girl nodded

"Well then, let us get started, shall we?"


Once they got to the graveyard, he began to dig the graves as the girl brought over a wagon filled with tombstones that had already had names engraved in them. It seems the village was prepared.

"Where are these pre-made?" he asked

"Yes, once someone is born, the village makes a tombstone for them, so we won't need to waste time making them later"



It took 3 full hours for the pair to put all the bodies in the graves, re-burry them, and set in the tombstones.

Wolfgang sat down against the final grave and threw his head back in exhaustion "Now that. . .  was some. . . much needed exercise"

He turned his head when he saw the girl approach with a small glass of water.

"Oh! Is this for me?" he asked

"Mhm, thank you for your help, sir," said the girl, handing him the glass

"Well, how sweet of you dear! But uh, do you mind turning around?"


"Well, it is against my oath to the Physicians of The Crow for someone to see my face without a mask"

The girl turned around without asking any questions, which confused Wolfey. People normally bombarded him with questions when he told them he couldn't see his face.


Wolfey smiled and slowly removed his hat and mask that let his long ecru beige hair flow in the gentle breeze, and pulled his small pair of spectacles out of his skirt's pocket that sat on the edge of his nose.

The water was cold and refreshing and even had raspberries and lemons in it.

When he was done, he put on his hat and mask and tapped the girl on the shoulder, signaling he was finished.

"Thank you for the refreshment, dear," he said, getting up from his spot "But, I have a question"

The girl turned around and looked up at him "Why did you trust me so quickly? I mean, I'm a stranger wearing a bird mask and who looks like every classic storybook villain, I'm surprised you didn't run off immediately after you saw me"

The two stood there in silence, a gentle breeze occasionally blowing the girl's hair or Wolfgang's skirt and cloak

"I saw you last night, in a dream," said the girl

Wolfey froze

"It was all dark, and there was this big Lion with a pretty mane and a big black bird on his shoulder. He told me that a man in a mask would come to me, help me, save me-" 



"The bird- it was a black vulture and. . . I too had the same dream last night, except the vulture was talking, and she said something about a girl but that was it"

More awkward silence

"You . . . should probably get your things, there might be other people that need your help," said the girl, walking off back towards the Inn.


After getting back to the Inn and loading all this luggage back onto his horse, the girl walked Wolfgang to the edge off the village. The same blank expression on her face.

"Well then. . . I will, uh, hopefully, see you later, dear. Maybe in another life"

Just as he was about to climb onto his horse's saddle he felt a tug on his cloak which prompted him to turn around before getting absorbed in a hug by the girl, wrapping her tiny arms around his waist.

"T-thank you, for all your help Mister-" 

"Callaghan, doctor Wolfgang Callaghan" he responded, bending down to accept the hug from the girl

"Thank you, Mister Callaghan"

The two stood there at the edge of the village hugging before Wolfey had to pull back, but instead of going to his horse, he rested a gloved hand on the girl's shoulder

"I have observed that there is no one here to take care of you because of, uh, you know. And this might sound extremely weird and I understand if you decline. . ." he said "But, would you like to join me?"

The girl's face lit up "A-are you saying I can come with you?" asked the girl

"Yup! Of course, you don't have to come, but if you do accept, you will accompany me on my travels across the world to aid people, and we might not be able to come back here"

"Yes yes! I want to come!"

"Splendid! Now, if you have anything you want to take with you, you should go grab it before we take off"


Wolfey found it adorable as the girl sped back inside the village with a large smile on her face, he didn't regret this decision one bit.


The girl came back minutes later, but this time in a red hooded cloak and black lace-up boots, along with her lion doll

"Is that all you wish to take?" he asked

"Yup, this is all I need, but, can we go to the grave first? I want to say bye to mamma"

"Ah, of course"

The two went back to the graveyard with Magnolia behind them until they arrived at one of the graves that read 'Rosie Ebruns'

"Hey mamma, I will be leaving the village today, and I don't know when I'll be back. I know you always say that the forest is dangerous but. . . I feel like I can trust doctor Callaghan, he was even nice enough to help bury you, Oscar, Micheal, Evangeline, everybody. And I'll have Fritz with me so that I'll never get hurt, so, in the end, I hope you are in a better place"

the girl turned around to look up at Wolfgang who was looming over her

"Alright, I'm ready, we can go now"

"Splendid then"

Wolfey gently lifted the girl up by the waist and plopped her down at the front of Magnolia's saddle, then got on it himself.

"Well then, if that is it. . . we're off! Hyah!"

And with a yell and a fling of the reigns, they were off speeding out of the forest.

"Weeeeeeh!" exclaimed the girl, pure joy washing over her face

"If I may ask, dear," he said


"What is your name? I don't think I ever caught it"

"Oh, It's Lucinda, Lucinda Eburns"

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