Ch 4. Foxtrot

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Magnolia slowed to a trot as the three of them entered the forest, Lucinda humming in pure happiness

"That was amazing Docter Callaghan!" she beamed, twisting her head up to look at Wolfgang

"I'm glad you're having fun, and please, Wolfgang is fine, or just Wolfey" Wolfey responded

"Oh, okay Wolfey" she smiled, before turning her head to face forward again "Y'know, this is the first time I have ever left the village, we occasionally had travelers but they would just leave two or three days after coming, and wouldn't really tell us about the outside world"

"Really? You've never left the village? And how old are you again?"


"So you're seven years old and never left the village?"


"Strange, but it makes sense, they might've wanted to keep you safe and-" "Wolfey look!"

Wolfey tugged on the reigns, making Magnolia rere up slightly and let out a low neigh, the bags somehow not falling off.

In front of them was a vixen with two baby pups next to her, tussling and play fighting as the mother seemed to look for something, probably food.

"Those are foxes, have you seen them before?"  he asked

"Once when I was four, they're pretty, aren't they," said Lucinda

Wolfey chuckled under his mask "Yes, very pretty"

He gently flicked the reigns and steered Magnolia carefully and slowly around the foxes, making sure not to step on them.


As they wandered the forest some more, Wolfey checked his pocket watch and was a bit surprised when it read 6:34 pm. Had they really been riding for that long now? Doesn't matter, they needed a place to stay before it got too dark.

"Wolfey, over there," said Lucinda, pointing to something in the distance. It was a cave.

"Aha! Good eye little lady, hyah!" and with a crack of the reigns the three sped over to the small cave.

"This should be able to shelter us for the night," Wolfey said, descending from his horse and gently lowering Lucinda

"I've never slept anywhere that wasn't my house, will we be alright?" asked Lucinda

"Of course, I have my rapier with me so we will be as safe as the king in his castle!"

"What's a rapier?"

"It's a sword, darling"

"oh, that's nice"


Lucinda sat down against the cave wall playing with Fritz as Wolfey unloaded all his things and laid down some sleep mats and blankets, a good thing he always brought extras with him.

"Alright, that should do it, I'll make sure we stay in an actual building after we get out of the forest, you'll really like the outside world, Lucinda . . . Lucinda?" said Wolfgang

"Huh? Oh sorry, you were saying?" said Lucinda, snapping out of her brief trance

"I just noticed you looked a tad uneasy when we stopped here, is something the matter?" he asked, sitting down next to Lucinda against the cave wall

"It's nothing, I'm just a bit worried that something might get while we sleep, that's all," said Lucinda, fiddling with the mane of her lion doll

"Oh! If that's all you are worried about there's no need, Magnolia over there will tell me if something comes to us and I'll be standing guard" he said, pointing to Magnolia as she ate some of the grass near the cave "Speaking of sleep, you should probably rest now. We have another day of travel coming our way!"

Lucinda smiled lightly and went over to her sleeping mat, taking off her cloak and using it as a makeshift pillow

Dammit, I should have brought pillows too he thought angrily to himself

Grumbling, he pulled his rapier out of its scabbard on his waist and positioned himself at the mouth of the cave, peering into the utter darkness of the forest. 

Now he has another mouth to feed.

A/N: Hey, uh, I just realized that I forgot to write down that Wolfgang has a rapier that sits on his waist in its scabbard, so, sorry about that. Also! Heres what Lucinda's doll Fritz looks like :]

 Also! Heres what Lucinda's doll Fritz looks like :]

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