🫀Playing Video games🫀
Scott is Very competitive when it comes to Video games. He always has to win them or else he'd Pout, but sometimes he does let You win, but thats very Rare.
You both like to Shove Each other or Cover each other's Eyes when Playing Competitive 2 Player games, like Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.
One time, desperate to Win after having lost 2/3 Games, you jumped on Scott and started a whole Make-out Session, causing you both to lose the last time due to the Time Limit. Hell, the only reason you two Pulled away was Because You both didn't like the feeling of Scott's Tongue suddenly darting down your Throat.
It just felt Weird, you didn't know how people voluntarily Liking and Engaging in Tongue Kissing, it literally made you Gag. Both thinking about it and the One time it happened.
Creep-❤️🔥- Scott Tenorman X Reader stuff
FanfictionScott is my Favorite and it kinda pisses me off to not see him in any of those "South Park Preferences" or any of the Oneshot books Chapters are kinda short, this isn't a full out X Reader book, just little Snippets. Think of it as a preference Boo...