Lol the ship is already rare enough and you can add mitauri to the ship if u want ig- but ok so tanjiro is kaburamaru, like can shift from forms, (as many as you want to add) but the 3 main forms are albino human(can look however but has to be albino), tanjiro, and kaburamaru. On time while kaburamaru was transforming into tanjiro and iguro saw him. What will happen? Idk really you can do whatever BUT....
bonus :) :
they have a talk about it and iguro kinda remembers all the embaressing things they both saw of eachother (and this part us optional but each of tanjiro/kaburamaru's forms act differant and share only sone memories like inportant ones but forget ones to fit there personality like tanjiro will forget and unholy stuff. So that makes iguro feel a lottle better) over all iguro says he will treat all his forms differantly but will for sure act nicer which cunfuses people.

tanjiro story ideas And MAKE SURE TO READ DISC!! (may use in future)
Fanfictionlol i most likely will never use these ideas because my motivation only lets me have 50 wordsT-T and btw non of the pictures are mine so pls dont go after me :) btw u dont have to give credits because i freel bad to anyone following meh and i give i...