Mechanical person

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so here tanjiro was a robot made from tanjuro for his other kids to have someone to play with and to help when he dies bc he knows it gonna happen soon so he made tanjiro look and act as human as he can. but he didn't know that tanjiro could feel emotions and have his own will, tanjuro thought he programed him but he just made tanjiro's personality and beliefs. so tanjiro was programed to never get tired, not feel emotions, help around the house, and play with the kids and make them feel happy and safe. but instead tanjiro believed that he should protect them, (yes should because he doesn't have to but tanjuro made him feel that way when making him instead of making him) he felt a bond and the need to protect them at all cost. he felt tired, he felt emotions and he showed it but his father thought that it was just his program to make him appear happy but he truly was happy.  so like a robot with emotions based of what was supposed to be a program.

tanjiro story ideas And MAKE SURE TO READ DISC!! (may use in future)Where stories live. Discover now