lol the title, i love breathing. so this could be used for op tanjiro Wwooo! yeah lol srry so tanjiro has been able to see the dead for some reason? like sabito for example. and he masters sun and moon breathing and he know all the other somehow? dont question it! and so he makes a few differant breaths. most are distructive types but one is defensive breath.
Destruction breathing:
when used can leave big craters in the ground, when max about 20 feet down.
first form: shining shard
when this form is used it makes a 6 foot deep crater and the gound that was once on the big crater shatters and shoots up into the air from inpact and the user can use those shards as many things and also used to hurt people in crater zone by them falling.
second form: furies (no not those furrys ok?)
the holder used this so that the sword will be guarded with furies and can send furies at the opponent.
third form: spirits
Can summon the dead with control or no control over them and can grant powers, and can grant permenant powers if they want.(u can add if u want)
Ok can add the rest there are more then 10 breathing
insert breathing (can insert anything)

tanjiro story ideas And MAKE SURE TO READ DISC!! (may use in future)
Fanfictionlol i most likely will never use these ideas because my motivation only lets me have 50 wordsT-T and btw non of the pictures are mine so pls dont go after me :) btw u dont have to give credits because i freel bad to anyone following meh and i give i...