Truth To Mourn

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"Where is he? " Lan Wangji's thundering voice screeched through the Hall like a roaring tsunami wave, ready to wreck this world. His eyes were blazing with a flaming rage, torrenting wrath upon the petite and feebly shaky figure of the pale Jin whose face was as pastel as the cold moon shrouded by night clouds - almost diminishing.

Jin Guangyao's marble eyes meekly looked up at the intimidating man glaring at him with a daunting gaze, like a fireball ready to burn him down from the vehemence of the rage firing in the amber orbs.

"In the last cell. Amid the cold darkness, soaked in blood, whimpering and groaning from the affliction, loathing and abhorring you from the deepest of his heart Hanguang-Jun. " A silent satisfied smile was sparkling from the depth of the Jin's glassy, hollow eyes.

Lan Wangji raised his finger, and with a blaze of a white flash, spate of blood gushed out from Jin Guangyao's mouth, and he began to cough while holding his blue and filthily red arm; smiling with a forced pucker on his cold, hardened skin on the smooth surface of which blotches of blood blemished like leaf spots on youthful green leaf.

"Last chance. Where is he!? " The younger Jade's voice rose like a wrecking tempest, his vacant face grimacing at the pale Jin's ghastly stretch of lips of uncanny mirth.

Jin Guangyao looked at Lan Wangji with heavy, drowning eyes, devoid of any word, any sound, or any vision; the sap green eyes were like cold putrefied pond covered in green algae - devoid of zing, containing concealed putrefaction within- a manifestation of the past deeds, shrouded by a layer of clam veil. The veil of algae was slowly dispersing, evaporating the poisonous water from within from the inclemency of the merciless scorching Sunrays, revealing hushed retreats and lamentations.

A subtle confusion pooled in the Jin's eyes, and he spit another mouthful of blood, soiling the wooden floor with the red hue.

"I told you. Last cell, amid the darkness." A rough small chuckle left his lips, and he stared at Lan Wangji with sarcastic and deriding gaze.

Lan Wangji was about to throw another ambush at the feeble man, when the lady's voice halted his movements in the air.

"I know where he is. Do you want to know Hanguang-Jun, where your heartbeat is? The dungeon must be devoid of any trace of life. Am I not right? " The sentence was mixed with sarcasm and rhetoric question, almost derisively.

Lan Wangji grimaced; though face was as empty as untouched frozen snow, the impatience, berserk, petrification, and anger were screaming through the darkness of his eyes, glaring at the woman.

"Wait and watch." The lady gritted out, glaring back at the younger Jade.

Like before, the lady summoned her mirror, and the mirror displayed the horrifying scenes that took place amid the darkness; the petrification, agony, the mutilating terror... The pain, torment, blood... Grit... Screams...

"No... " Lan Wangji started shaking like a weak leaf, convulsing from sheer, shuddering horror.

The body being gruesomely tormented, and then disguised by a facade of well being; destroyed core parching every scintilla of verve, turning him into a rotting flesh. The ravishing eyes preying at him...

"No... Don't touch me! "

"Haha we got the Yiling Patriarch under out sleeves. Ravish him... "

Dark faces veiled by the Stygian air, volleying on the breaking body, tearing him apart, eliciting cries, screams, shrieks of agony...

A flying Guqin smited against the mirror, breaking apart thousands of glinting pieces with a crumbling splash, shattering apart a screen of terror along, rotting the air from the vehemence of the horror of the scene mingled with agony and woebegone. The sharp pieces thrashed against the ground like silver dust, scattering against the floor like soot of throes.

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