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After the ceremony you, everyone left even your family you stayed because you have to sleep with Camilo. You finnaly finish cleaning and helping the other's, Camilo dragged you to his room and his roomis really dark.

"Its dark here" I said

"Wanna see something cool?" He asked to while smirking

"Sure I guess"I said

Then I saw Camilo closing his eyes and the room changed into a beautiful place. You really like it, you started wondering around and breathing the fresh air

Camino POV-

Opening my eyes I saw Y/n looking beautiful with a big bright smile on her face. I started blushing ,while looking at her she saw me watching her I started blushing like a tomato while covering my face. Then I heard her laughing, danm her laugh is so cute.

Y/n POV-

While looking at Camilo being shy you could not help not to laugh. While you are laughing, you noticed Camilo is smilling at you and you smile him back. You sat at his bed and Camilo sit next to you.

"So wanna talk why are you looking worried earlier ?" Said Camilo

"Oh well.. while we are dancing I felt my power faded no not felt my power faded in a second and when it came back Mirabel started shouting that the house is in danger and the candle almost ran out" I said

"Well it could just have been a coincidence" said Camilo

"Yeah but why is my power faded in a few second " I said while making a worried face

"Maybe you are tired earlier bonita" said Camilo while making me comfortable

"Maybe I am just tired" I said with a smile on my face

You lie down on his bed and Camilo too. You two started talking to each other making each other laugh. While you two are talking felt some butterflies in your stomach

Camilo POV-

While I am talking to (your name) you are literally blushing and feeling there's a butterflies in your stomach. But you started thinking about Mary, you love Mary but being with (your name) is more better than being with Mary.

Then you heard (your name)yawning you hugged her and started to close your eyes.

Y/n POV-

You yawned, and try close you eyes but felt a hands warps around in your waist. Then you realized it was Camilo's hands. It felt warm, but what would Mary do if she knew that we are cuddling.

You stop thinking so you started close your eyes too.


You woke up and you saw that Camilo's warm hands is still your waists. You tried to call his name many times. But Camilo refused to wake up then you taught for an idea to wake him up

"Time to wake up Mi Amor~" I said in a flirty way

Camilo eyes widen and looking shock and blushing hard, you laugh because it actually worked to wake him up.

You get up to bed and started getting ready. After finish changing you walk up downstairs, you go outside seeing Mirabel talking to" Dolores ". You smiled while watching them then you go closer to them and get some food. But Camilo offered a hand to your sit which is beside Isabela and Dolores.

"The only one who I worried about the magic, Oh! And I heard Luisa twitching her eyes and I heard about (your name) saying to Camilo looking her power in a few seconds" said Dolores while whispering

" (your name) loosing her power? She definitely know something about the magic" Mirabel said looking confident.

Mirabel POV-

I walk straight ahead to (your name) to talk ask her what she know about the magic but she said that she don't know what I am talking about. That she was just tired so that's why that made feel about fading her magic so I stop. I quickly go beside Luisa and trying to talk to her. And saw her eyes twitching.

"You do" I said

Then casita drag me beside Abuela Alma

Back to (your name)POV-

While listening to the announcements, you knew that Isabela did not want to marry Mariano and doing it for the family but I keep my mouth shut because you did not want to interfere and Isabella begged me not to tell anyone. After the announcements you saw Camilo shape-shift into Mariano trying to give her a kiss and Isabella slap him with flower. Making him spits out flower from his mouth. You tried not laugh and smile at him. After eating you help them to clean and wash the dishes. After helping, Camilo suddenly grab one of my arms. It looks like ge will take somewhere
"Camilo where are taking me?" i said with a curioud face but with a bright smile
"Wait I will take you somewhere beautuful" said Camilo while smilling
After some time Camilo drag me into a lake that i never seen before but it was beautiful.

" Do what do you think" asked Camilo

" It looks amazing" I said "But did you know this place?"

"Well this basicly this is my hiding place, Amazing right?" asked Camilo

" It is really amazing" i replied
"Sit down" Said Camilo

I sat down and we talk each other and we try to get know each other like, what we like something like that. We tell each other jokes that make us laugh.

Mary POV-
After waking up and get changed, you go to the town to help. While helping you bumped a guy, and it was Lucas

" We gonna stop bumping to each other" said Lucas while smilling

" Im so sorry" said Mary with a worried face

"No its okay"said Lucas "So what are you doing?" asked Lucas

"Im helping the town" i replied

"Wanna hangout hermosa?" he asked in a flirty way

"How about (your name)?" i asked

"It hurts hearing that she have to marry Camilo" Said Lucas looking down

"Oh im sorry and yes i will hangout with you" i said

Lucas stared and smile a little. We talk to each toher. While talking I saw Mirabel talkibg to Luisa. You did bot mind them and you continue to chat to Lucas. While talking to Lucas you feel your heartbeat beating so fast. You are slithly blushing while talking to him.

It feels like you like Lucas at you to spend more time with him. While walking we saw (Your name) and Camilo talking and saw Lucas a liitle bit but he smiled before (Your name) saw you guys.

(Your name) Pov-
While talking with Camilo its feels like you like him and want to spend more time with him. Then you saw Mary and Lucas talking to each other and greated them.

Mary POV-
You can feel like Camilo glaring at me.
And Camilo grab my wrist and drag me somewhere far from (Your name) and Lucas.

"What do you think you doing?" Camilo asked me while, cold glaring at me

"What do you mean?" i asked with a confused face

"Look i know we problems that does not mean you can hangout with some boy" said Camilo

"But we can't do anything you have to marry (your name) i said

"But I love you" Camilo said

Camilo POV-
When I say to her that I love her its feels something wrong. Its feels like my heart did not love her.

Mary POV-
When Camilo said that he love me its feels something is not right.

(Your name)
You feel a little bit of jelousy. You saw Lucas and you talk to him and Lucas told you how he feel after hearing that you are engage. Lucas accompany you while going back to casita. When you in the casita you waved at Lucas and Lycas waved at you back. When you go inside you saw Mirabel sneaking inside of Bruno's Tower.
You followed her and making sure no one see them

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