How Do You Find A Vision?

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Itzi's head is falling she's so tired in the morning. She'd love nothing more than to sleep another 10 hours but she can't miss Antonio's special breakfast.

With pure willpower and a little bit of hope, Itzi leaves her bedroom and heads to the kitchen to grab her plate. Luisa is just moving the table outside as Itzi lines up for food in front of Dolores and Félix.

When she actively walks outside, Itzi finds Mirabel talking in a hushed tone to a shapeshifted Camilo. She shakes her head and grabs her food, ignoring their conversation.

"That's not Dolores," Itzi says finally after getting everything she wants to eat.

The real Dolores and Mirabel have the conversation they were supposed to already have had and Itzi can feel Mirabel's eyes on her.

"Everyone, to the table! Let's go, let's go," Abuela calls, corralling the family to the dinner table as Casita pulls up the chairs for them.

Before Itzi can take her usual seat next to Luisa, Mirabel sneaks in, bumping Itzi out of the way. Frustration floods Itzi's body for a moment before she calms herself down. The last seat available is beside Abuela.

Itzayana sighs and walks over to it, putting her plate on the table before sitting down.

As soon as her butt hits the seat, Itzi can hardly keep her eyes open. She immediately pours herself coffee and starts drinking it to keep herself awake.

"Family. We are all thankful for Antonio's new—" Abuela begins to say, lifting her dress to sit on her seat. But something underneath of her squeaks and three lemurs pop up. "Gifts."

"I told them to warm up your seat!" Antonio says excitedly, the rest of his animals congregating around him on the other side of the table.

Abuela's face immediately softens. "Thank you, Toñito," she says while shooing the lemurs off of her chair while Félix gives Antonio a thumbs up.

"I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your blessings to good use," Abuela adds, finally sitting with her coffee.

Itzi can't focus on Abuela's speech about the importance of the gift and the miracle, her head continuously dips, her eyes closing each time. The last thing Itzi needs is to smash her face into her plate of food.

She feels a hand on her shoulder, subtly holding her up. Itzi knows it's tió Félix and she whispers "Thank you," as she continuously tries to stay awake.

Suddenly, in the middle of Abuela's requests for the day, Mirabel smacks the table and gasps. "You do!" She exclaims loudly. Itzi jolts awake and hits her own leg on the table, groaning.

"Mirabel, If you can't pay attention, I will help you," Abuela says, frustration evident.

"Oh, actually..." Mirabel begins to say but she's cut off.

"Casita! Switch Itzi and Mirabel," Abuela commands the house.

Itzi rolls her eyes as Casita pulls her chair out and sends the girls in opposite directions, placing Itzayana where Mirabel was previously sitting.

The food is switched around again and Itzi begins eating so she can keep focused. "As I was saying..." Abuela begins again, sending a look Mirabel's way, "We must never take our miracle for granted. So today we will work twice as hard."

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