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I stood in front of the full-size mirror in my closest. I wasn't sure I recognized this person.


After I finished some of the breakfast Damon brought I went back to my room with a stack of books I wanted to read. No one seemed to mind me carrying the stack to my room. The wait staff nodded as I passed and the members of the royal family I saw just waved as they went about their daily activities. It was such an odd morning for me. No harassment. No badgering.

At my room Nadia was already waiting, just as Damon hinted she would be.

"Good morning Princess!"

She followed me into my room. And I noticed the bags she was carrying.

"Ok so much to go over today so uh why don't we sit on the terrace?"

Before I had a chance to answer she was already on her cell speaking quickly. She gave the signal that it would only be a minute and beckoned me to follow her outside. The air was warming up already but the morning crispness hadn't faded just yet. I stared over the balcony admiring the property. I wondered if trees surrounded the whole of the grounds. I wanted to see more of it. Nevertheless it was gorgeous. At the tree line the grounds changed from dark forest to light open gardens. As I followed the tree line my eye caught movement. Was that...a dog...no too big, a wolf maybe?  It was huge though, bigger than any I had ever seen but I didn't spend much time around wolves either. It's fur was muddy brown and I swear the wolf looked in my direction before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

"You ok Kira??" Nadia had sat finally and put down her phone.

"Yah I just saw a giant wolf I think. I think you guys have one on your grounds, I heard a howl the other night too."

Nadia's face froze but she rearranged her features quickly.

"Probably a trick of the light we don't have any wolves out here. Must have been a guard dog. "

She changed the subject quickly.

"Anyways I have some things for you." She placed a bag on the table.

"We got you a cell phone, I took the liberty of filling your contacts with every one in the home and all the staff extensions. I included Xander head of the guard who you'll meet tonight. He's the Prince's Bet...uh best friend. And my fiancée."

She slid the sleek phone across the table.

"We got you a laptop as well. Here are the family credit cards and I set up your account profile already on your computer. Use it as you need it just email me all the transactions so I can send it to the accountant. Let's see what else." Nadia tapped her long finger against her cheek. Her nails were green and the color complimented her brown skin.

"Oh yes! The keys to your car! Almost forgot. We chose an Escalade but if you hate it we can purchase what you want later." She slid the key fob across the table too.

I thought I might have a panic attack. I never expected all this. At home I wasn't allowed any technology at all. Especially not money or a car of my own. I didn't even know how to drive. The way my aunt and uncle explained Candora I thought id be in chains and beaten. At the very least a slave to a man who didn't want me and treated like scum.

My surprise must have been obvious because Nadia reached her hand across the table.

"Hey it's ok. Don't worry. We got you." Her smile was warm like the skin on her hand.

"Now let's get you dressed for this party." The warmth in her smile was replaced by a devilish grin.

Oh boy.

The Alpha and His Princess Where stories live. Discover now