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You tried to make me happy
In your own ways
The little things you'd do
Like the t shirts you'd buy me on a regular
The ones with positive slogans to make my day
And brighten yours
The things you'd say
To keep me safe
And heal my ache
The thing's you'd try
Although you suffered
This paper feels blank
For the pain you've covered
Im sorry for not showing i cared
Not how you wished
Not how it was visible
Im sorry my gratitude weren't clear
And I'd try my best to retrace my mistakes
But the problem is your not here
It all got too much
And i guess i expected that
But my biggest regret is
I could've prevented that
Maybe if i tried harder
Maybe if I cared
I'd be with you right now
I wouldn't be scared

Poetry of a lost teenWhere stories live. Discover now