Not much

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The rest of the day passed slow. Ragnar and the king spent almost all of it negotiating the terms of their alliance. Aslaug talked to her sons and grew suspicious of them as well as the queen, but said nothing and instead attended the performances at the market the king had organised for the guests.

Warriors showing off their skills in fights, the smiths presenting their finest works, jugglers, singers, and many more wanted to show the Queen the beauty of their land in the south.

Just before nightfall, Rùna had spoken to the king about giving her more space, considering the previous night and he agreed to the resentment of the queen, who had to also agree to it. Even more so, only three slaves were allowed to attend to Rùna's needs, Inga, and two other young girls that had watched the execution and promised to never lie and be loyal to Rùna alone. Thus, the day came to a pleasing end for at least one person.

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