The Wave

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With one perfect shot, the queen managed to take down the king, his lifeless body sinking to the ground as the bolt cut through his chest. A sharp pain resonated throughout Rùna's chest and as her father's body hit the ground, hers dropped out of the tree towards the grass below. Just as her skin touched the highest blade of grass, the sky grew pitch black and thunder growled so loud, all the men on the battle field halted to see what had happened.

Light shot through the darkness, surrounding Rùna as she rose from the ground, and pierced through the queen the moment she stepped onto the town square. Ripping her to the ground, the body trembling and whimpering in pain, Rùna stood above her, the eyes as bright as the lightning that struck several men around the town.

Amongst the men, the evil king, and the Berserkers, who finally fell and did not rise again. Wind grew stronger and pulled people off their feet, rain fell hard enough to leave holes in the ground and the sky as dark as it had been a moment before, grew bright red.

The moment, the queen stopped moving, the ground shook, murmured and dropped, pulling the rest of Bǫlverkr's army with it into the darkness. A wave of water swept over the side of the lake, so high, it reached to the crown of Rùna's tree, and covered the earth around Myrhult, washing away the battle, the dead and any evidence of the tragedy that had occurred.

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