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A man on a battle field. The blood covered face turned to the sky. A shield maiden with silver hair and scars on her face standing beside him, protective, the sword ready to strike. Their backs turned to one another they fight until no men remain but their own.

Next, she saw a woman in a long white dress, the hip long silver locks falling over her back, carried by the wind. Her eyes watching over the battle that takes place at the bottom of the cliff she stands upon. A giant raven flies over her head, croaking. The sound of footsteps near and a man approaches her. A scar leading from his eye to his mouth and his jaw. The blue eyes as deep and dangerous as the ocean they have crossed. He holds out his arms and screams as the battle beneath their feet grows and his army defeats the enemy.

Then another vision takes her in. A king, a crown of blood and bone on his head, standing amongst the men who followed him into battle and would do it again in a heartbeat. He walks through the crowd towards a young woman, his queen. Upon reaching her, he lifts her off the ground and twirls her around, the brightest smile on his lips. And as he lowers her back to the ground, their lips meet, and in that moment, Rùna understood.

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