Ch.7 Insane

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After Chanyeol dropped me off I stayed at home for the rest of the day. I didn't have any homework so I decided to continue my "fanfics".

After changing into my shorts and jersey I grabbed my books and head downstairs to the living room. I sat down in front of the TV and started writing.
Ever since the accident I've always written. I don't know why but it make me happy even though most my "fanfics" are sad...

I continued writing until I fell asleep.



After Jaemin ran off I looked for her out the window but I saw her and Chanyeol together. Chanyeol was carrying her bridal style while she was smiling and laughing.

"She looks happy.....With him, and not me...." I sighed and walked back to my desk.

I put my earphones on and put my head in my arms on top of my desk.

Why does it hurt to see her so happy with someone else?

It's not like I like her or anything... Right?

I mean we only met each other over an arranged marriage.......

But for some reason I feel like I've seen her before, not just on the streets or something but like she's been with me since I was young.

"Hey Kai, Jaemin isn't feeling well so I dropped her off. Let's just start on the project ourselves" Chanyeol said sitting on his chair.

"Tch whatever" I said in a pissed off tone.

Why am I even pissed??? Ehh whatever...

---Skip Class to after school.

After the class ended the guys headed back to mine and Jaemins house.

"Kai do you have food at home now?" Do asked me.

"No, let's head to the supermarket first" I told them.

"Arraso let's go" Suho said.

"Oh wait! Can you drop me off at your house first?!!? I want to check on Jaemin!" Chanyeol happily asked.

"Sure. How about you Kai do you want to get dropped off as well?" Suho asked.

Why is he acting close to her?Didn't he meet her the same time I did?Are best friends now? Come on I'm the one marrying her why is he closer to her!?!

"KAI!" They all shouted.

"Ahh what?" I asked.

"We've been calling you for a whole minute now. Are you okay? Seems like there is a lot on your mind." DO said.

"Ani I'm fine"

"Sure? I noticed it today during class as well, you seem to be out of it recently" Chanyeol pointed out.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I swear"

"Ok but we're dropping you off with Chanyeol while the rest of us go buy food" Suho said.



We arrived at the house and Chanyeol and I got out the car. We opened the door and saw Jaemin passed out on the couch.

"Kai I'll just carry Jaemin to her room. She seems tiered so I don't want to wake her up" Chanyeol said while slowly picking Jaemin up bridal style.

As Chanyeol carried Jaemin to her room I sat on the couch and picked up one of Jaemin's books. She has like 4 of the same notebooks, plane black book. Even the pages were black, she only wrote in white pen.

"Huh looks like she loves to write" I mumbled to myself while I flip through the pages without bothering to actually read it.

I picked up the books and stood up to bring it to her room. But a picture slipped out.

"What the..." I said under my breath as I crouched down to look at the picture.

It was a photograph of my 2nd year elementary school, class photo. It was when I was 6 years old but how does Jaemin have this. Scratch that why does she have this?

"Hey Kai" Chanyeol said coming towards me.

I quickly hid the photo so he wouldn't see it. "Uh Yup"

"Someone is ringing you do you want me to get it?" He asked.

"Um yeah I'll just bring Jaemin's books to her room" I quickly replied and stood up with the books.

Quietly opening the door to Jaemin's room I walked in and closed the door behind me. I went over to her desk and placed the books down but kept the photo in my hands.

I look around her room and see tones of pictures. All of them with the Tuan family. There wasn't a single picture of her when she was a kid.

Slowly my eyes finds their way to the sleeping Jaemin. My body automatically makes my way towards her. Without single word uttered and not a single thought thought, I found my lips on hers.

Eyes wide open I try to process what in the world just happened.

D-Did I just k-k-kiss Jaemin. WAIT! I'M STILL KISSING HER!

With that I jerked back landing on my but. Quickly I bolted up and went out the room.

"U-Uhh Chanyeol hyung I'll just go, um go out for a bit. I'll be back" I stuttered.

"YAH KAI!" Chanyeol shouted as I grabbed my phone and bolted out the door.

"Okay calm down Kai. It didn't mean anything! Deep breaths. You probably just got caught up in the moment. Pft WHAT MOMENT!" I argued with myself.

I made my way to the park and sat down on the swings. I spent about 10 minutes already in the park still trying to process everything....

"Aish!" I scratched my head in frustration.

Why did I kiss her?
And to top it off it was my FIRST KISS!
Wow okay so my first kiss was someone who was asleep and probably likes someone else!!!

"hey Kai who was your first kiss"
"Oh you know just someone who was asleep and was in love with someone else, just completely normal and sane"
"So why did you kiss her"
"I don't know coz she has my picture, she was sleeping ,in love with one of my closest friend who is practically my brother and because I'm completely INSANE!"

I debated with my self in my mind.

(A/N: Hey guys finally updated!!!
I am so sorry for taking so long to update but I've been very busy with school and sports.

Thank you to everyone who voted,commented and added this book to their reading logs and even the ones who just read it.

Love you guys and hope you keep reading,voting,sharing,and commenting. I'm already working on the next chapter so hopefully I'll be able to post it soon!

Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes)

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