Ch.3 Home sweet home?

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"Kids wake up you have school" eomma said.

"Mmm,5 more minutes" I complained.

"Jae.Jae-ah wake up we have school. And your moving today" Yuta shook me off his arm.

"Ugh, I don't want too. Can we please just ditch" I asked showing my aegyo.

"Aish arraso ,just get ready you look horrible. Wear your uniform so your eomma won't know. Then we'll just buy some normal clothes"

"Hehe yea thank you Yuta!" I cheered.

We quickly got changed and left.

"Eomma were going now" I shouted out the door.

"Arraso don't forget that your moving in your new house later. I'll tell the driver to drop your stuff off while your at school. You know your address right?" She asked.

"Ne eomma. Annyeong"

We walked out making our way to the shops.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"I want to just relax. Do fun stuff , something that will take my mind off all the marriage shizz"

"Okay then let's go shopping" Yuta suggested.

"Yay!" I jumped.

We spent hours of shopping and noticed that school was already over.

"Hey your still going to work at the restaurant right?" I asked Yuta.

"Not anymore actually. I signed up for a dance academy so I won't have time after school."

"Oh. But promise that we'll still hang out?" I said sticking my punky out.

"Promise" he smiled.

After that Yuta came with me to our new house.

"Looks like this is your house" Yuta said.

We were both stunned at the house before our eye. It was huge.

We stepped in and looked around  the first floor. There was a lounge with a flat screen ,surround system and other furniture. There was a study room with the walls made of book shelves so basically I was in my own personal library. The bathroom was amazing! It had a nice black and white theme to it, with black floor tiles, white tiled wall and the sink was black, the shower was a simple see through walls/door.

We went to the kitchen and dining area saw a note on the dinner table.

Hey Jaemin and Kai. I know you guys are still awkward so were not forcing you guys to share a room.

Jaemin your luggage is in your room already which is the first door to the left on the second floor.
Hope you like your room!

And Kai your stuff is also in your room. Your room is the door across from Jaemin's.

The other rooms are just guest rooms.

Have fun
-Mrs Kim. ]

Yuta and I went upstairs to my room.

At the moment it plain white walls. A queen sized bed. A study desk and a closet. On the desk there was another note from Mrs Kim saying that she kept it plain for me to decorate myself since she doesn't really know me yet.

"Wahh this place is so big!" Yuta exclaimed.

"Yup" I replied.

After unpacking my stuff we went to check out the back yard and omfg there is a frekin pool!

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