the first encountor

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foul language and slight talk about blood

she\her pronouns for anne
she\he\it pronouns for sasha
they\them\it pronouns for marcy

"YOU TWO ARE OVER-REACTING"anne shouted to her parents as she slammed the door behind her. She figured that going for a walk would be a better way to calm down then screaming at her parents for another hour over the fact that she got an F in algebra... and Science, and Social Studies, and her D's in the rest of her classes weren't the best either, the only class she was doing good in was gym, with a B+.

Anne let out a soft sigh as she followed the path that had been worn down and carved out by years of people walking along it. she stared up at the purple and pink sky of the sun going down, the memories of the fight flooding her head... she felt ashamed of how she acted to her mother. Anne had failed pretty much all of her classes 'shit... I was in the wrong' anne groaned and screwed her eyes shut as she went to kick at the ground in frustration. she lost her balance and was sent tumbling down the hill, snagging and cutting her arms on a few sharp rocks and branches. As she finally stopped tumbling down the hill she carefully opened her eyes and stood up. she inhaled sharply as pain shot up her left leg, she looked down in slight horror. a small twig was stabbed into her leg, she took a deep breath and held it, she bit onto neck of her hoodie and ripped the twig out. she screamed into the cloth in her mouth, she panted in pain as blood rolled down her leg. 

two dark creatures lurched in the woods surrounding anne, attracted to the scent of her blood. they circled around her, quietly stalking her, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on their prey. one of the figures stepped on a twig, anne's head quickly turned to stare in the direction the sound but didnt see anything. she takes a deep breath, thinking out loud to herself, she said "must be hearing things" she got up and started to limp back towards the hill "not getting back up that way..." she groaned and started limping along side the hill, trying to find a way back up the hill and a way back home. anne felt something following she but just put it off as nerves from being in a creepy forest, and that it wasn't actually anything. anne continued to limp around the hill until she found a slightly less steep area of the hill "this'll work well enough" she said, still thinking out loud to herself. she started to slowly treck up the hillside. the two creatures looked to eachother, as if to signal something, the slightly larger being nodded, they both changed their focus back to their prey. the slightly smaller beast slowly creeped up to anne until it was right behind, a light snarling noise coming out of its throat, though it sounded like it came from a kitten instead of a terrifying murdurous beast. it then tripped on a tree root and let out a small yelp of suprise. anne looked behind her and all around her but saw nothing 'something here feels off...' she thought to herself as she kept crawling her way up the hill.

the smaller beast let out a quick breath of relief as it came back out from the tree it hid behind. 'that was close' it thought to itself as it glanced to its partner and nodded towards the prey, signaling the larger creature to be the one to get it. the larger beast sighed 'they'll never learn to hunt for themself if they can't stop themself from tripping or running into everything' the larger slowly approach anne, a low and terrifying snarl came from its throat, anne quickly turned around to see where the noise was coming from, and as soon as she did, the beast pounced on top of her. it held her down by the forearms, gripping tightly as not to allow its prey to escape, its legs on either side of hers. the beast let out a small, smug smirk, confident and proud in it's catch, though it was hard to see its face due to the darkness of the night. "H-HEY" anne yelped out as she struggled to escape. the thing holding her down seemed almost 10 times stronger than her, now anne was athletic, but whatever was holding her down definitley had super strength. "L-LET ME GO!" the moonlight now shined bright and anne could see its face. the creature looked human, and could probably pass for human, however their skin seemed much paler, almost as if there wasn't any blood in its body. it had long blonde hair tied back into a pony tail. it had three long slash mark scars across its face, almost like it was made by a bear, along with another scar that went over its right eye and mouth, running down to its chin. it had a black sleevless hoodie and jean shorts, a spiked braclet on an arm with deep scars running down from elbow to wrist, her other arm was covered in bandages. its eyes were as red as blood, its eyes were wide with an expression of pride on it's face, with the expression of pride came a large, teethy grin, anne could see 4 sharp as knives fangs inside its mouth, so sharp it could peirce leather without a problem, and to top it all of, the creature appeared to not be alone. slowly approaching behind it came another creature, its skin was also pale, however still a bit darker then its companion, its eyes a slightly browner shade of red. its short jet black hair was messy, and it also had many scars across its face, a matching bear scratch, along with with a small scratch that went over its lips. it wore a dirty gray ripped crop top and ripped jeans, though  it appeared the holes and tears were made from falling on sharp objects becuase there was a light layer of old dried blood around and near each hole. it had a matching spiked braclet and scars and small cuts all over its body from possibly falling and maybe even animals. "nice grab sash" the slightly shorter creature spoke, waiting for it's turn to eat from the human that the other had caught. when the creature spoke anne could see that it also had sharp fangs, though the fangs appeared a bit shorter then the other creatures "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU" sasha, at least, that's what anne assume's its name to be since she heard the other call it sash, smirked "well, well, you're a feisty one aren't ya, don't worry..." she got slightly closer to anne's face, their smirk getting wider before he spoke again "I like the fiesty ones, they put up a good fight, makes a hunt worth it..." Sasha chuckled to herself before getting close to anne's neck, about bite it. Anne wriggled around, trying to get out of the clutch of the thing that was trapping her, and about to eat her? she didn't want to be eaten, she was only 16, she kept struggling to escape, before she had an idea. She finally stopped struggling for a second before sending her head back then flying forward and headbutting the being on top of her. Sasha pulled back and held their head "ow! You little-" anne quickly wriggled out of sasha's grasped since he was no longer holding onto anne's arms and started to sprint, well limp, as far away as she could. Sasha's partner went to go chase after her but sasha stopped it "leave it, marcy. It's more trouble than it's worth, go get a deer or something..." marcy nodded and went to do as sasha said

Anne kept looking behind her as she limped towards her house 'what the fuck were those things they definitely weren't humans. I've never seen someone with eyes that red...' she got to her house 'it'd be better to climb into my window, if mom see's me she'll never let me leave the house again' Anne groaned in pain as she carefully limped towards the side of the house that held her bedroom window. 'how on earth do i climb a tree with a fucking hole in my leg' she sighed and tried to ascend the tree. with each step she wanted to scream in pain, but she bit the neck of her shirt to stop her from alerting the entire neighborhood that she was awake at almost midnight. she took deep jagged breaths, the pain inn her leg too much to be able to breathe properly. she climbed to the edge of a branch that was close to the window and opened it. She took a deep breath before jumping into her bedroom window, the entire time she clenched her jaw to stop herself from screaming out in absolute agony. She took a minute to breathe and let her leg rest before she made her way to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. She put disinfectant and then bandaged it, then wrapped gozz around it and put medical tape to keep it on there right. She tiredly limped back to bed, thinking to herself 'what were those things... what did they want with me, were they gonna eat me? They looked like vampires, but those aren't real... right?' She sighed 'i'll do more research research in the morning...' With her final thoughts ending, she faded off to sleep, awaiting to find some reasonable, non-paranormal explanation for this.

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