what were those

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foul language and slight talk about blood

she\her pronouns for anne

she\he\it pronouns for sasha

they\them\it pronouns for marcy

anne awoke with a headache, she groaned as she held her head and made herr way to the bathroom to brush and hair. she looked at herrself in the mirror, her body was covered in little cuts and scratches from falling down the hill. she put a finger on one of the cuts and dragged it down 'what were those things lasst night...' she sighed 'right, i told myself to look them up, i should go research them' anne sighed and made her way to her room and got out her laptop. she sighed and sttarted looking up every possible thing to find what she was looking for, "red eyed beast", "human like creature with red eyes and sharp teeth", "red eyes and fangs", even "murdurous humanoid beast with red eyes, sharp fangs, and eats humans", but nothing like what she was looking for came up. she groaned

"anne! come downstairs, i made lunch!" anne sighed "coming mom!" with that she closed her laptop. she made her way downstairs, each step she took on her left leg feeling like she was being impaled with the stick again and again. she groaned in pain as she sat at the table, her mom looked at her and gasped "oh, anne, dear, what happened to you, you're all scratched up" On brushed her finger against a scratch. anne sighed "I'm fine, mom, i just tripped and fell down a hill in the woods last night... i'll be fine mom..." On sighed and gave anne her breakfast.


"thanks for breakfast mom, i'm gonna head to the library now" On smiled "to study i hope? good to know the talk we had last night had some effect on you" anne sighed 'if only you knew...' she thought to herself as she left, she made her way to the library, her headache still pounding, throbbing harder with each beat of her heart. she groaned in pain as she carefully made her way to the library, her leg felt like it was in lava everytime she took a step, the pain soon became too much to bare, she took a deeep breath and walked off to the side of the sidewalk and sat down, giving her leg a break from putting pressure on it. she sighed and pulled up her pant leg to take a look at the bandages '...woah' both the bandaid and bandage had been bled through, the gozz around the wound was a deep red from the dry blood. she sighed as she unwrapped the gozz and then took the bandaid off of her injury '... should i have gone to the hospital?... mom would've worried so much, and she would've never let me leave the house again...' she sighed and re-bandadged the injury. she groaned quietly and started walking to the library again, the pain in her leg was worse then before she took a break.

she groaned and took jagged breaths through her clenched teeth, continuing to make her painfulway to the library. she exhaled in annoyance as she climbed the stairs to the library, the pain in her leg growing worse with each step. she exhaled in releif as she reached the top of the steps "holy shit..." she groaned as she limped into the library, she started looking at books, she didnt know exactly what she was looking for, but she looked at anything that might have any information about what attacked her the night before. she grabbed about 8 different books and sat down at a table and started looking through each of them 'the only thing I can find that match the description of whatever the hell I saw.. are vampires... but those aren't real... right?'? She sighed and looked up from the book she was reading, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples to silence the ear ringing headache she had from doing nothing but reading for 2 ½ hours 'god.. this is so frustrating,, I just want to know what attacked me... i have have right to know what tried to EAT ME last night' she sighed and opened her eyes, though they weren't looking at anything in general, just forward. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she saw it... she saw them... '... is-.. is that?- no... it can't be...

she noticeably tensed up as she stared at the figures 12 feet in front of her. The shorter, black haired teenager looked at her and smiled, their eyes were a dark brown, almost black and they had no fangs, but Anne could tell that they were the one that stood behind the creature that had attacked her. They wore a black and white baseball tee and jeans with chains on the loops along with a black choker and the spiked braclet. About half a foot in front of the shorter one stood Sasha, her long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail fell over their sholder. He wore a black shirt with a blue jean jacket over top, along with dark blue ripped jeans and the spiked bracelet. the shorter one bumped their arm into sasha's back

"what do you want marcy" sasha spoke quite loudly in annoyance as she turned around and looked at marcy. anne couldn't hear what they were talking about, however after a moment of them talking anne and sasha made eye contact for a second before anne quickly looked back down at her book. she felt eyes staring at her so she quickly glanced up to see if they were still looking at her. sasha was still looking at anne with a look of hunger stuck across his face, she was grinning like a predator who just found their perfect prey, a look of murdurous intent in his eyes. anne, terrified that they would attack her again, quickly packed up her things and exited the library.

she kept looking back behind her to make sure they weren't following her 'why were they there... are they following me?... that was definitly them, their eyes weren't red and they didnt have fangs... but that was definitly them... unless i'm going crazy... oh god! am i going crazy?!' she made her way to her house, she decided to take the long way in case she was being followed. she grabbed the hem of her hoodie as she anxiously looked around, still worrying if she was being followed. She shook her head and rubbed her temples 'i'm not crazy... I should just get home' she picked up the pace, ignoring the burning sensation in her leg 'it feels like my leg is gonna catch on fire' she thought to herself as she co tinues walking 'almost home... it's just just few more minutes' she took painful steps towards her house, her agony growing with each step that she took. She painfully made her way up the stairs and opened the door

"Welcome back, หหวานใจ (sweetheart[thai])" On yelled from the kitchen, she stepped back, bowl still in her hands. "Anne? Are you alright?"

Anne looks up at her mother "yeah... yeah, I'm fine, just a bit... tired" she says in a slow, drousy voice. She feels as if she's about to pass out more with each word that comes out of her mouth. "I'm... gonna go to bed"

"Anne, it's 1 pm" On says with a worried tone of voice, anne usually never wants to go to bed, but now she wants to go to sleep 8 hours before her bedtime? Especially when On was making Anne's favorite?... 'i hope she's alright...'

she's in too much pain to bother listening to her mother, she tries her best not to black out right then and there as she makes her way up the stairs to her bedroom, her leg so painful she thinks it would hurt less if it were just chopped off. She limped into her bedroom and plopped on the bed. 'This leg is going to kill me...' she thought to herself before she blacked out.

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