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foul language, talk of ed (eating disorder), slight talk about blood, passing out, and infected wounds

she\her pronouns for anne

she\he\it pronouns for sasha

they\them\it pronouns for marcy

Anne awoke in a tired haze. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before grabbing her phone
She groaned "did I really sleep for over 16 hours?!"
She rubbed her head 'still have a headache' she groaned and looked down at her leg "holy..." it was definitely infected, around the wound was a yellowish greenish colour and it looked like it had puss in it "i'll just go to the sick room at school today" she got up to walk but she had basically no feeling on her leg, it felt as it were asleep but it wasn't tingly, more like... just weight. She could feel the weight pulling on her hip, but she could barely move it and walking was physically impossible. She sighed 'I can't walk to school like this' she sighed "MOOOMM!" She called out, it took out much more energy then it should have "CAN YOU DRIVE ME TODAY!?" She panted as she grabbed her chest 'why did it feel like I just ran a marathon... all I did was yell' she panted gently as she grabbed onto her nightstand to balance hers looking at herself in the mirror, she looked pale and had dark eye brags that practically wrapped around her whole eyes. She pulled down the skin of her left eye, her scleras were pinkish and the veins were obvious 'i look like a drug addict going through withdrawal'

"YEAH, JUST GET DRESSED!" On yelled from the kitchen. Anne sighed as she tiredly got dressed, changing out of her hoodie and jeans that she somehow slept in and into her school uniform of the sleeveless purple button up with the gray sjms tee-shirt overtop with just the purple collar poking out and her skirt the same purple colour of the button up under her tee-shirt. She sighed as she rubbed her eyes, as she opened them her vision was blurrier than before she blinked a couple times then rubbed them again, her eyesight getting a little better but still as bit blurry. She took a shuttered breath and put on socks and shoes. Anne grabbed her backpack and put it over her shoulder and made her way downstairs, with each step she felt like she was going to passout and had to take a break

'i need to go to the sickroom as soon as i get to school' she rubbed her temples and finally got to the bottom of the stairs "mom.. i'm gonna wait in the car"

On looked at Anne and sighed "what about breakfast? not eating again?..." On asked with a worried tone and voice

Anne looked at her "just not hungry mom" she said, it was true, since yesterday she hasn't had an apetite for anything, even when she smelt her favorite that her mom was cooking. she sighed as her mom kept giving her that worried look On gave her whenever she did something dangerous or stupid. she sighed "I'll eat at lunch today, i just haven't been hungry is all mom, i swear."

On sighed "you're eating dinner, please don't fall back into those old habits of yours, Anne..." On said as she fixed Anne's hair out of her face and brushed it with her fingers. her hair, being super curly, was tangled and it hurt like hell.

(Just this paragraph has talk of ED, skip if necessary)
a few years ago, when anne was about 11 years old, she had fallen into a depression and she refused to eat and whenever she did she'd almost immediatly go and throw it up. she ended up in the hospital twice from malnutrition and On was worried that anne might be slipping and falling back into the old habits she had from back them.

anne grabbed her moms hand and held it "mom... I promise, i just haven't been hungry, I'll eat at lunch, and I'll eat dinner. I promise"

On sighed and smiled "alright, you better not be, or I'll beat your ass with my belt..." On said half jokingly. anne laughed gently before On continued on "now, let's get you to school before you're late" she said as she  went around anne and opened the door for anne and let her go ahead. Anne smiled and went ahead, trying her best not to limp but she still had no feeling in her leg. she carefully made it to the car and got in, taking her backpack off her shoulder and putting it on her lap " not sitting in the front seat?" Anne sighed, it'd be impossible to hide her wounded leg if she couldn't move it to stop it from hitting it on the center console and although she couldn't feel a thing in her leg she could still feel the immeasurble pain from the literal hole in her leg.

anne shrugged " 'dunno, just felt like getting in the backseat today"  On smiled and sighed 'she's acting off...' On pushed it to the back of her mind and started driving anne to school.

On pulled into the school drop off lane and let Anne out. She stepped out, strategically putting her weight on her right foot as not to make it obvious of her fucked up foot. She smiled and waved to her mom as she drove off. Anne sighed of relief and turned around and started walking towards the school building. She groaned in pain as she made in down the hall passed kids who bumped into her and some even purposely pushed her cause well, she wasn't exactly liked. She panted gently in pain as she continued to make her way through the hall before she was slammed against the wall. Anne closed her eyes tightly and waited for Maggie, the school bully, to just hit her already. Maggie had been a tormentor since elementary school and for some reason she had a strange fixation on making anne's life a living hell. After a few seconds of nothing happening anne carefully opened her eyes, examining the sight before her. Wait. There's no way, it was...

"SASHA!" Marcy said as they stopped running and crouched down panting, practically wheezing out of breathe. "Why... did.... you... run?" Marcy said between breaths as they looked up at sasha, then to what sasha seemed to had bolted after and was now pinning against the wall "oh, it's the human"

Sasha smirked, at first it was a normal grin, but then his two top canines grew long and sharp "hello... beute (prey[german])"

anne looked up at sasha, her vision going back and forth out of focus "y-you..." she stuttered as she fluttered in and out of consciousness, her eyes fluttering closed but she tried her best to keep her eyes open

"M-me" sasha said mockingly with a slight laugh. She noticed anne's eyes closing and he grabbed her face by tightly gripping her cheeks and turned anne to face her "look at me. Do not look away. Do not close your eyes." Sasha got closer and made direct eye contact with anne "you understand? I am talking to you." Anne nodded, scared what sasha would do if she said no "good..." Sasha smiled and let go of her cheek, but still pinning her to the wall

Anne looked at her, her vision now blurry and quickly darkening. She looked up at sasha and then closed her eyes for second. She fell limp in sasha's arms, she tried to open her eyes but couldn't, they were too heavy. The last thing she heard before she passed out was marcy asking sasha "what the hell, is she ok?!"

(Sorry that this one is about 200 words short of my usual 1500 word minimum, I looked it over like 4 times and couldn't find anywhere to add, i'll try to make the next one 1700 minimum to make up for this short one)

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